The Catho1ie Action Study group, fornied within the civies departrnent o the Woinan 's Cathole Club of 'Wilniette, ýbut open toany mnember of the par- ish, will t.ieet at,1 o'clock Mon-, day at, the home of Mrs. Hfenrv G.-.Dalton, 1029. Chestnuit aveè- nue. Tea ,wHI be served. A. number of outstand-ing new books. will be ciscussed, among them. "Damien, the Leper," by John Far- row; '1he. Life of Jesus," .by* Fran- cois Mauriac, written in 'Modern trend, and. "Thie King's Good Sev- ants,".by Olive White.. Mr s., Frank X. Thale -will ýconiduct the meeting Monday.. Mrs. Frank, 'Oelerich is librarian of the Catholic Action Study group, Mrs. Elarry L. Bai'k.r i t raurr, Mr& .Johin Boyls-. ton, chairman of sales personnel. The group sponsors the sale of out- standing Catholic Action literature before and after each Mass at St. Francis Xavier church o~n Sundays, off ering recent books, magazines. pamphlets, weeklies, and even dailies. The venture has been suecessful even beyQnd the group's dreams, the sales this -past week about quadrupling those of the previous Sunday. * - Durant Photo Mrs. C harles Henry Gibson of [Winnetka. pictred with Toro, is onc of the inembers of the ;K7ciilworth ce» ter of the Infant Wfelfare Society of Chica go, zeho wiith Mr. Gibson- and a, group of four others. ha: made reservations for dinver for a Party of twcpnty-six at the Villa Mode~rne Friday eveing of this u'eek. The- be.neit i: held under the ans Pices of the Kenihujortli ce» ter. .t. Junior ScIiool The North Shore Friends, Chi- caKo. Junior school, will, hold * their, Mayrmembership mee ting on -Monday, May,24, at 12:30 o'clock. This meeting %viii be ýa luncheon, the execUti-Ve comMit- :,,tee entertaining the member- shipA t will be be-Id at. the school, %vhich is situated on t he Fox river about two mailes froni This school was founded. in 1913. -to establish -and maintain. a home -and school for boys and to inspire them with ideals of right 'living. It is sup- ported by various groups of people who are interested ini providing char- acter education for boys, Who because of circumstances, such as br oken> homes, would otherwise be deprived of- whto1esome and intellgent influ-- ence. The North Shore Friends pro- vide for two boys at this school. Reservations for the membership luncheon should be made flot later than Saturday, May 23, to Mrs. E. J. Dick, 1206 Tower road, Winnetka, or to Mrs. John Ruettinger, 533 Oak- dale avenue, Glencoe, it is ànnouniced., Transportation cari be arranged if necesçary; issed. Henry HaffieldSpeaks a+ Junior Guild Meeting The Junior guild of the Winiette ?arish INIethodist church met Mon- day evening at the home- oi Mrs. Robeurt RBurchmoIre. 421 EFhnwnnd ave- An important part of the luncheon and animal meeting of the North Shore atlxiliary of the Chicago Ma.- .terility center held Tiièsday, at Ex- mioor Country club, was the election (if officers. Mrs. Earle J. Cooper of Evanston was made president; Mrs. WValter Davis,' first. vice-president; Mrs. Merle B. Kennedy, second vice- tiresi'deni.t: Mrs. I-Iarold Anderson, In a COmpletely redecorated clu b- house, the Wilxnette Golf club opens its officiai season for the wonien with a formaiI luncheon and bridge on May 25. The golf activities are scheduled to begin June 1, and there are many in- teresting events planned by Mrs. H{enry G. Strông and her committee. Uncler the leadership of Mrs. J. W. A joint meeting of. the .retiring and incomirig boards of the Friends of Lage Bluff Orphanage will bec ield at- 2 o'çlock Monday, May 24, at tht, homne of the president, Mrs. Vilas JohnIsoIn ii Vilmette. Mfrs. Johnson, lias just announced, her committee appoîntmen'ts for the. coming year and they will be as fol- lows: Mrs. Leonard W. Stratton, so- cial service chairman; Mrs. Williani Ansend. are assist rs. D. C.. Kemp Mrs. delivered;' that miaterial is on- hand meeting, of the ne' host- for 25 more. May 26, at her ho .circle Guests of honor Tuesday weré' Dr. nue, Evanston, at Joseph B. Delee and Dr. Beatrice. momning. Lunchec n ave- luncheon committee are Mrs. in the Mockler of Wilmnette, and Mrs,. Belirel of Downers Grove. esses. chairian.