Winietka, presidenit of the--chapter, will preside. *Speakers iwill be 1Ilerma Clark, writer of "WVhen Chicago. Was Y'ounig" for the Chicago Tribunie. *Adeliine Fitzgerald, Society editor of The Amierican;. Ruth Ellen. Lôvrien, food. editor of the Tribune; 'Marcia fastérs, stunit reporter for the Times-, Margaret Sells, club. editor 'if the, Herald. and Examner, and Lois Schenick Iof VLS .av. Prairic Farinier- h 'iiSpeak for Theta sigmna P .hi on ".Harvestilng Ruiral A-rranigemenits foôr fte breakfast areý m i hreOf LUCY' Roger s Hawvits, cliairman, 7735 Ilaskins, Rogers Park; Býernice Cranston, 1140 North La- Salle, Chicago, Elanora Pfeffer,. 528' Stiîth Grove, Oaký Park;- and junie Parsons, 2461 Genieva terrace. Chii- cago. Reservations are beinig taken bx Ruth Turley of the Saranac hotel, 5541 F'verett aventne, Chicago. Ail alumnae of Theta Signia Phi and their friends are invitud to attend the breakfast; whic.h i,, the first of its kind held bv the Chicago Alumnaé chapter.. Among tlie guests will be inembers> of Alpha IBeta chapter of 'Nort hwestêrn iniversitv , headed by Constance McClure, président; Eliza- beth Avers Kidd of Wnek;Eliza- heth Todd (.Mrs.) of Rogers Park and'H New Trier high school: Mrs. 0. E. Burms of Rogers Park, president of ricti ('rt twanstn Carlos Photo, Mrs. Dean Lake'Tràxleri a for-ý meCr.resident* ofWîIlette now living in -&cinston, ùiiIl assist thse chair- inan of tickets for the benefit des- sert bridge t/hé Ji,îior gi-ou> of Fort Dearborii chapter, Daughters of t/te Aînerican Revolitlion, is having Fri- day altermoon, June. 4, ini the Paris/s House o! -St. L4ke's Pro-Cathedral, Evanston. îave Infant Son Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Mrs. C. A. Dahleen, 1725 Wýeshing- Miss Charlotte Pringle of_ Louis- ton avenue, entertained thirty friends ville, Ky., formerly, of Wilmette, ià and rel.ati%-es at. a shower ini honor. of visiting ,Miss Melita Von. Glahn at. Mrs. G.j. Feltrnann., last Thursday. lier home, ý1114 Lake avenue. evening. Iow price! Sleek sat this same very low want fo miss. fin slips price. 1 fine lace trimming at 're bargains you don't 7uq0 4 ' 1 Y i * ,v * . ., . 1~ ILLIN w -. AR. A. STEVNSPmc. Ivanston" r chance1 to save! values in this ,- ,,1 **kP; 4 j.. .. 7V-ý