Right, surl-back overalis of olue and whte or red and white polka, dot, $ 1.95. Suri shade hat 1v match, $1. Garden gloves wif.h ',ratching cuffs, soc. r,., ix ~% f1,h I'A Short sleeved shrtof broadcloth, white or colors, $1.95. Pleated Badminton shorts, of Lmen, wHtfe or colors, summer of f Gei- into these: to 9s and then outdoors live in the sun-you'Il have the hapoies. I -~1u who would mt4ch prefer just to bask in the sun, you'II find exactly what you want in play clothes. dt Stevens. Our Sport Shop special- izes in the right cfothes and the smart clothes for an outdoor surnmer, Straight from Hollywood -thie newest i bathing suits, Matietex. an, ingen- ious combination of fab- ric and lastex, in cotton priýnt:,, 6.9!5ýi satin, 1624Orngo Ave., E vantv EDOAR A. STEVENS, mlnc. «7 for a car