Extends Custom RUGGLES PINE CREST AGENTS Buit Service~ Asa resUlt of the progress being-1 niade in its extensive conlstruction J prograni ùf custom-built homes',the R. 13.W\hitaker company, large -and ~.ta!ihel orhshore real estate iri, thi.s week announced both the etilàrgetiletit of.its architectural1 di vi- ~iop a.td ithe eleCtionî of 'James J.. (~ahcroalas its head. Ai.-n aking. this -atitouiccîxwît, Uaipli B. Kraetsch, vice-presîdent of tlîe firin, stated that under M.\r. Cath- crcoal's direction, ground lias becîf, broket for three inew 'homes !r(pre- olitiiig a total cost of $87,400,. and plan,,for. a(ditional houses ire 110W 7(rgcomplet ion. MIl Custom.Buiît ' linilloes are ail to becu' oî 1>~jt sId 'M. Kaefch."Tt sll ea(i Iluseis t beplanedai cr te O Meut the indiVidual re- -< Iirelsnts and ws.sOf each par- tîla;r owner, and to conforin with tlîaî particular site which he mnay- e ctler coose or already own. la selecting Mr. Gathercoal to) di-. ruet otir archit.cçtu.ral Nwork, we took. inito accounit lis extensive early archi- tctrltraining at b.oth the Univer- îtof Ifltmois an-d 'in Europe,' and later under Chester Walcott. Il' G Jc'ggl'es and Co., anniioil lifal ton, lhave receîîîly been appointf'd t'rl siv ales agents for the Pin(, Crctsî dvein,,,, 1i ilinette, !u'ing 0 section devoît)ed fo the nczïv,- vtypeof homie.lois secuion, is just off kidge, road b li th e stand comprises fr onî<,(s m Cntrai a7venue, Highîland avenue and WJashington, avenue. îAUrofZtheen îcessary, Io confortable iivinqarc obctfound iiPîne Cretsî., bt zbee;î instalcd appro.t-iimatelx. tnyecrs ago. I. uasses IY4. ooo,QQQ Mark for April. Fifty-fivé building permits ýfoi- pro(erne ts toa Ing $434,1;50 were issued* in, the four villages, of Wil- mette, Kenilwort.h Winntet:ka, and Glencoe during' the month of April. Twenty-two of the permits were for new residences, costing $379,000;' ?3 called for alteration, jobs of, varjous: kinds amounting .to :$i410 eight )eefr private. garages costing $3,4W0 and there_ was one each for a $1O000comercalbuilding and a summer bouse costing $250. 0f the four villages, Wilmette led with 29, permits for atotal of $242,300. Thirteen of these were -for new resi- dences Of an ',estinxated value of $230QOQ;10 altérations, $9,500.. frve private garages, $2,5550, and a suýrmer house; $250. Winnetka issued a total of 15 per- mits for,$112,450, of which four were for new residences costing $75,0(«; S alteration jobs, $26,950; one com- mnercial building, $10,(M. and one private garage, $500. Glencoe was third witlh six perinits for $43,650,, of whic-h two were for liew residlences costing $39,O00 two forh sorèhomes. \Men the IIý in~iî residential building, Mr :' ciîtîercoaî turned to commercial11 architecture for 101Qi and compan'u of Cliiý aigo. Iohbjýies5 in 7the. Cable, Cham. !14ai'), nd 11 il Southî Dearborn build- îîlsauîc1iiioderiiizatîoî of off,iceni thROokerv -and Mondadnockibuild- ngare sonime Of bis I)ttr-known-1 Ilrnjicts in this uned. M r. Gatlhercoaî uval have hi, *oi,,cj the (ýwhitakèr uilldin.g il, Winnjet- prop rtv t%ýO n W 1 0'n s a e no%* 35,00 a d t o -foralterations, $750. - ercosrutin oeof w j IBusy G 'nter of $500adtof îPictured above. This hou-se is being Sa ulA.A a s b.,tililt for sale .by \WIlliami G. RZuggles Sa les A ctivity Sa elA Ad m .sc Iate, c. It contains three Iot shracit nbUneý Buys N. S. Homne bedroonis, l72 baths and is iîsulated Nrhsoe ciiyii uies Saintueî A. Adamis has bought the ai r C(I(1(itioiCcl and of brick, prop)ierty, appears to be centered ilii 0roi ooilrsiec t11 con'.tructiWoods,1e'ric.e nvil.lcol] Pine street, Winnetka, from Raymiond i o'nstclv 14on ,500e. piuw lb l -s tnation of recentt transactionîs and riumors of other pending deals anîd j ' ocli, president of FeIt & Tarrant building plans. Nfantifacturing comipany. William A Perm ts jSadler of Smart. & Golee, incorpor- Two uldng e mt The purchase of th~e sothwest cor- ated, was the broker. Thomas J. Boo- Jss ed ~ ih .ri~ î u ~ ,i. r of Gage and Linden .streets hi! tll tp i rl P, i ci-n T . igcrp, i o Davi at titis time. 7-1 icil the broker. LVIlbxonwaB Mark H. Colwell cornpanv, W1-_tntn bidr.TeCm 11etka, is the huilder. inEasto lnilders. The 562Com-b oh R OCono A eritfo a pe prc adi orhweath PavueChcaoar iIl.fIG LOAN INCREASE rector' of the Illinois ofie tei pe m t *o n o en p r h a d- N rt w sei v n e, ' h c g , a e Miois savings, buildin g and lan Federal Lousing Adm i srato f th ie (Moî to the residence at 1270 Scott plunibers, alid Edward A. Petersen, associations made 734 boans accp]dika iceaeo d6.meinitto gh av1enlue, Hubbard Woods was issued 650 Central ai,'enue, Highlanid Park,. orinurnc b te edra Hu ing anlitOi5 avs o buildir cng and ban tO ohnW. ears. 'Cstof he m- asthe contract for, thbe electrical Administration for a total'of $3,139,8S6 chanesavidur Î1ing frtqarter cfn P r o e m e t i $ 4 0 C s t f t e i ~ ~ e * ' a o f A p r l 1 i t w a s a n n o un c e d t h i ýs ; t h i s ve a r