Mir. au.d Mrs. John P. Bailman, proinieit reside)its o0 Wilmiiette;' are buildingq their neur homte, Pictured above, at 1133 Sýeneca road, Iyndian i i E states.. James Crabb, ýIonîg-establishi'd Wilinete builder,« is handlin the gencraf con tractfor flie hone a nd las airedv rceeded 'as fra lcfui dations. 1-. Morqan ukl ost, archiîtect, also of W'lmiettic,,desiqnc.d flic hanse 'Fli exterior of flic bolise is a- modi- ied l'cil ii1s\'l valîna "ecoi(l peri 4 ( > îa in randoni liriesù 'ne. -4l1uro0 i il i inle grey.siate. The -entranec e stjblUlei ~eterud two ~tp eillte Fi r st fflr>r s t air bail. iv-- îîîg room, dllniingr <in and liiw'ary openI off tib, is ail, as \vuii as the stairway to * the b)a>emenýt recreation roomi. 'Flic h- hrary is to be piiîe-pancIllýd \wti a ire-. place anid ide oak plaîk floors. A = breakfaàst rocmu is 1<iatud colivcniently to diniig>roiomi, library, and kitdcen. ai a P<>'.(le <>i is also inchîided. Cross Ventilation -1,11c kitchuen is arranigcd to bave cross ventilation. alidl eq wppd~ith Inîail cases an( aidc>'Feiees Tet\\vo car garage is enturuddiftvf rom thie rear, Over 40 years ot continuou s you of Mhe high.standard 840 Coenter Street .srvice should Convince of service rve render. WiinWtka '265 - * ! a q EDERALSAVINGS- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION build '0 refinance* modernize wvith a Fi*rst Mortga ge'Loan under the convenient moiithly repayment plan available through this friend ly. local association. Enijoy the safety and low cost of a Federal Savings. Loan - pay it back ini .small1 amounts from current income. 1126 Central A, mette Wihnette 1623 desigiied taircasc which Jeads to a sec- <>1(.l flor of four bedl rooris, dressing rooin, ani tWAo baths. "-Servýants bCe(1 rooin, bath, and a storage r.mare over the garage wing and are recched bY a sep- *arate stairway. Heating is to he a;ccoplilslied by an oil fired, forccd flowv, lbt water system with coîîweaied radiation. Humidifica- tion w-ill be instalied for the first floor living rooms.. Mr. Yost hias carried tlic spir.it of the 1-. Morgan, Yost enue, reside.tce al REA&L ESTATEý Schweitzer, builder. $800. cago SIundayr nening club May 14-A. T. Day, 1149 Locust tra, hall on May 23 at 8 road, single family stone veneer resi- will address a capacity a dence. Architect, J. H. Meistrom. ycýung' people and aduits -Ruilder, Paul fensien. $25,OOOi. his as "Dan", Polixig. <C MNay 17-L4. Penberthy, 1$24 'Vil- .Brç will prieside. 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE* EVANSTO> Univeruity 0283 'Rogers Park 0271 Wiln.tte 2486