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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 81

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Rates 25 cents a line. Advertis exents run. ln ail t h r e e P a P e r s, MINnIIUM CHffAR(;gE0N" DOLLÂIL Average Of tlve words to theine. No black face type used. 20% dlscrOubt on all cash advèrtise. ments when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., W'Ihnette; 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. 1091 dicounit on ail advertlsements run four consecutive Issues. Deadlfine f or Insertions- asfled advertlsernents wlll 1'be c WTLMETTE LIFE or ail three papers ; WednesdaY 9 ýP. M. forý WINNE'rKÂ TALK and ThÙrsdaY,5 P. X. for GLENCOE etWS. Tetephones: Wllmnette 4300, Winnetka 2000 <Winnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or« Sheidrake 1216-1217, LOSTý AND FOUND i.' 'S] Wl-1IT I (Lfl WIST WATCHI- wii~ î~norar 'HA.A',on Wil- liai; venueetween ,1500 block and 4s;47* lTN2-ltp. 1) upp y, !f mnt hs old, îa nSWCT> i lmle 'k.J bw a i Iion.1Highianîd Park ________ANTIQUE$ __ walit ut sdbo -with bui4 t wlaftnu î,ain.4s.. fiýt ujadeie, rass r,', ils anid 1 Gi 11.1mîtt, i. 7 LTN 1.Itp * atiialr iliiik, 2 cIhonmes, n'metre uryîî.'iduln ()ni dispil a dKs rY Store-, Sij4 Emst, pîhone Wne MUSICAL INSTRUCTION * HLE-1AN M. SARClENT 1I1A (I>RS(îNAL.TUitl1 NT' i1 t[-Ili\, i.wsv uîi. \%ilt aceeupt tii,îit,4l mxnmbeî of s' tous pui4is. X177 N. Dtharbirri, Chicago, plicne Sui). 8. MUSICAL INSTRUIWgNTS 5 FINE GRAND PIANOS INC. CIK ering, one Lowboy Midget, also 2 good uprights. Storage Mart, Iredal(2 Storage, 1723 Benson Av-e., Evýanston. 40LTN-'>-tli) PETS CHRISTENSEN ANIMAL4 HOSPITAL FORMERLY YOUNGILNS KEINELS Invites thie use of our extensive and well-cared for boardlng kennels for yoiir Pets. rQin n nrI- -.viPný SUMMER cAMPS_____ 2 exiPEItIEN<'î.D COUNSELLORS w~iIi: t;ke 6 fet toivs12-1t; on W-a92wi'eks ' ut rip ablout .Jutly 15. st'arting fror-ni Kf.nora, < lut.whh is iioi'h of Lake of teWoods, Canada. Very reasonabte. If iîîtî'rested catI or ,write for. fuît de- ta ils .Joe Itosenlan, Glénvieiv, Ill_. (Uen- éo 303. JBette r lurry as the number is limiti>1i. 6A-lýTN2-ltp WEARING APPAREL SI ZIK 1 6- 18 GRAýDUATION, S PORT, aiid furrnmi dresses, $1 to $2. S~weater, buc: bunny4coat, $,5; spring coat, $2. WANTED TO *UY-USED CLOTHING C:ASH PAID FOR )1,) FURt COATS. WINNETKA 3402. 59B-LTN2-ltc \Vi ied3040,uits this week. Will pay l»'st prii'eS. Witt caît, or bring theni to Martili's Clothing S'tore 712 <I'u.ster, Evanston . In!,Iversity 2220 .59B-LTN'40-tfp, *INVESTMENT.S JNSURED SAVING$ YîIRLONGý TER-M SA'I-NG(S AND investrnents. Fuily tnsured Up to -),()000. 00. Save as littie as $1.00 a îiînth or tnivest mnuttiptes' of $100.00. Eavnings paid in cash or compounded sélni-iinflualty. Invý,estigate lnow. ISTFEDERAL SAVINGS & LOA-N ASSOCIATION 0F W'%ILMETTE 1 12 1) ntral Aene Wttmette 1623 64LTN2-4tc OFFICE PLACEMENT COM).\PE:TENT GIRL WITH SOME ('OLORED GýIRL WISHES DAY OR WEEFýK WORK., GOHOMr0 't "A~Y NIGHTS. PHN~GREE'NL1EAF 088'5: 68LTN2-ltp Day \orkCleanling iAi.WINNETKA 1029., MWISFH TO PLACE. txellentiniutrse for. siaili hbi dren a nd:up.iýta ir.qwork. Call(fleneî,e 172. 6;8LTN2-1ti> IiiI'~sî fLE WOAN TO CARE foîr ho-if u rtng aîvner's absence. lteeriîc. %V rite B-180, Box 60, Wtt- Mflette. . . 8LTN2-ltp À, GER-MAN-BORN COOK 0F 1ST order. Cait Winnetka 3613, CENTRAL E'MPL0YMEýNT AGENCY 681.TN2-îtp POSTf- UtAi UATE NUS wiislws n 1ursing îor care of n fant. I J, îîsrferenî'esý.1 Htiargatt 3,520., 681,TN2-1tc H 1GHSCHoO)L IRL \WA-ýNTS GARE of' children after schoot and durtng vacations. Fond of chiidren. References. Winnetka 3689. 68LTN2-ttp EXCELLENT NORWEGIAN COOK .woutd like1to have temporary job by wk. or Mo. N. s. ref. Cali Winnetka 2032,. '1 8L,2-1lp COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER, (,0-0D references,.wJisýhes permanent position tn refined gentite home. Ptease cati Fr1- day. Uni. 4619. 68,T-N2-îtp COIMP:ETEN;T G E NE R A 1, MAID wants'position. Stay on place. Fri- day off instead of T'hurs, Col. Ref. Uiniversity 6374. 6SLTN2-IEtp 2 YOUNG WOMEN WANT M'ORK TO- gether as ftrst anId second maiçi, Ex- cellent service rendered in aail unes. Colored. Refs. Gre. 9237. 68LTN2-ltp SITUATION WANTED-MALE * ERNEST GUASTAPAGLIA Landscape Gardener 2 AND HOUSECLEANER. 9.14Asbury Ave., Ph. UTniversity 8103.k 69LTN2-ltph C11AUFFEUR -HOtJSE.NAN POSi-0 tion with quarters. Jun.e 1, Swedish, age 36, 10 Year-s'experience. Wý'iinnetka 3(l13. CENTRAL E-MPLOYMEIf,,T AEC 69LTN2-1 Le 'Michigan., July î-Àug.12'0bweK WIK $e0 season. cat.atog sent on request.. ing, cc Mi4188Gra' *y jn, 20Chartes Ave., d&en ever Grand Rapids, :Michiganl. ences. BE 56A-LTN1-4tP, a-IROR DAY. C gk, *serving, camec 3and Sundays.- N. Si Nelson, Winnetka ,AN- COILES, NU c hu-1 PRIVATE ROO w. 818 Em WJînnietka 3328, 7OLTN2-tfe Plain,* cooklng, no laundry. Own roorn. $8 a week. Wlnnetka 423. * 7lL2-ltl) GIRL FOR GENERAL HfOUSEWORK. Smatl farnly. NO COOKINO. GOOD HOME. Phone Wlnnetka 2825 * 71LrN2-ltp î K raîST. WINN.31 70LTN-,.1tc EXPERKNCEDR E L I A B L E COL- ored couple for general work. Refer- eneV'i. 1. 70LTN2-Itp HELP WANTEO-.-FEMALE ]DQESTic PEOPLE NOW IS THE TIME To inquire about your new job. G,-enerai, c ooks, seconds, nurses, couple.., 42l_ Fou.,th St. 634 Davis St. Wllmette 217 1 D jý)ýl 777 5iS)ecial Low Fees FREE, AUTO SERV1ýICE FOR HELP OVER 100 ýPOSITIONS WVant. cooks, géneral, second, waltress, nurse. $15-$1,8. :Couples $2-10 Butler-îousqenen $7,5 up.. Gardeners open. SHORLINE EMPLO-YMENT A (lENC y 746 Elm Street Wlnta 71 LTN2-îtc POSITIONS OPEN FOR IMAIMS AND COUPLES GOOD WAGES Lindgren Empi. Agency Established .25 years 7!)q Elrn St. Wlnn. 1047 7 1LTN53-tfe DOMESTIC HELP Positions open for maids, cooks. couples. B-At wages. SHAY AGENCIES '8N.Michigan 14 W. Washington -ýSupeior 6 1 8Central 901 COUPLES-GIRLS GOOD JOBS--BÉST OP, WAGES. .CARLSON'S .1qElim Street W1.nnetka 3328 71Lr'N52-tfe 2 GIRLS. 1 GOOD PASTRY COOK, school cafeteria, 5 days a week. Aiso Igirl for taking care f 6-year-od ctitd, keeping 2- rooms ln order. Stay or g o home nilets. Sat. afte rpoons and Suin. off. *Winnetka 3690 or 2441. 71LTN2-ltp wilt ADELE FRY call.Wlnnetka 42

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