7 1LTX2-Itp MAJD, WHITE, 'EXPERIENCEDI general heuiiework and cooklng. NIce, rooôni. Near transportation. Wlnnetka 1090., 71L2-ltp EXPERIENCED W H IT E WOMAN for general housework.- 4 or 6 heurs, 5days a week., North More references., Phone Wilmette 4537. 71LTN2-ltp WHITE ýGENERAL HOUSEMAID.. 3 -.aduts; ne, lau ndry. ýWould consider Inexperlenced gfil willlng to learn. Wlnnetka- 972. 71LTN2-ltc WHITE, àMAiD FOR'G E N ERA L. bousewerk. Smnall famlly, adjults. Near transportation. Cal Glenèoe 292. 7l1LTN2-ltp EXPERIENCED M A I D_ GENERAL ho usework. Pleasan't wlth children, 6 and 9. Own rooni, Winnetka 2199. 7lL2ltp, ALýERT MARRIED WOMAN OVER 30 for part tMme work. EIxdepttonaly good imy., WiteB-187, Box 60, Wilmette, WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 3 ln famlly. References. Phone Wllmette 2234. 71LTN2-ltc HELP WANTED-MALE CADDIES WANTED We wlll furnish transportation te good dlean eut boys who want to work. Caddie rates: .A-lass, $1,10, Saturday and Sunday; $1.00, week days, B-class, 75Sc. Apply at Illinuois Country Club. West Dundee Road. Eddie, Ernst,. * .1- «'t -'72T O.1.. -Wanted - At Once EXPERIENCED GROCERY' CLERKS Liebschutz Brothers, 369 Park * Glencoe.. 72L Avenue, ..TN2-ltc EXPERiENCED GROCERY CLERE, 1must knew North Shore. Steady, good job. State salary, references,, write B-188,. BoX 60, Wilmette, Ilinois. 1 72LTN2-lte '29 HUDSOLmN SDAkN.............4 '29 FORD SEDAN ............~.... 65. '29 FORD COUPE ................ 45 '31 GRAHIAM SEDAN............. 5(9 '30 MARQUE~TTE SEDAN......... 85 '29 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ......... 75 30 STUDE2BAKER SEDAN....... 75 '29 LA SALLE SEDAN ... ........ 95 '30, PACKCARD SEDAN............ 95' '29 DODGE SEDAN............ 45 '27 DODGE SEDAN .............25 Dampman-Schmitt Co. Authorlzed Dodge-Plymouth 'Dealer 1019 DAVIS,,ST., EVANSTON EVANSTON CARS. ARE BETTER CARS 77A-LTN2-lt.C USED CARS '31 Ford R. S. coupe, new.tires,; ..perfect condition ......-..... ... $165ý '33 Dodge sedan, beautiful......345 '34- Chrysier "*6",sedan, perfect, 1 0w mileage .. 4.............. 475 '34 Olds 6 wheel sedan, radio,.very special ... ...... . 445) AERO 'MOTORS 721 Green Bay Road Willnette 1201 TTA-LTN2-1 te '36 P lymouth Deluxe coupe, very low milea.ge. Large -h. w. hoater. Loose and runs like new. S»ecial guaranteeý. $475. HARRINGTON ýMOTORS HUDSON-TERRAPLANE DEALERS 1110 Chicago Ave. (ire. 4444 77A-LTN2-ltc, FOR aR[NT--R@@MR LARGE, NICELY FURNISH-ED SINGLE ROOM, NEAR HUBBARD WOODS NORTH SHORE STATION. W'innetka 3693 LARGE ROON, NICELY FUlU near bath. donvenlent te trai tien* and stores. Phone Wllnit 82L 1 OR i NIC ELY-FURNI SHED B sunyrons with private bal slde near transportation. Rej Pýhone WInnetka 20104. NICELY FURNISHED'FRON' B3RIGHT, âth. East <ai. ~5ee 10. 5-Ite IN EXCHANGE FOR PART-T IME SERVICES Wînnetka 2358 ~221l FOR RENT IN RETIU'RNFOR PAI T >time service ln garden and Jtouse, 2 roomn apartment. with bath overg- rage. White only. No vhîldreni. 51 Beaefi' Road, Glenicoe. 2TN-t MODJERN 3 ROOM APT. LIN.% M. dinette, kitchenette, bedrni., tile bàt,4i and showe6r. Living room withrii't b ed. Close to transp. A. C.~ofWi 1724. 92LTN'%2-lzî> 4 ROOM. APT.* LARGE, LIG:-HT, ROONS,' 2. closets, table top) stove, G. E. ref.,. l)orch, convenient to Main St" tran.spor- tation. 722 Sherman Ave. Uni. 158b., U2LTN2-1,tv 2- ROOM, KITCHENETTE APARÎT- ment. Tile. bath, free refrigeration and heat. $40 per nionth. P hofle Wil- mette 5094. 9LN-t 32 MINUTES TO THE LOOP. NEM) nmodern 6 rms., garage, clhurcees, sehools, gat'den sacae. 1115 N. Dunst.in St-, Arllngton Hts.:, Ili. 921TN2-ltc FOR REN'-HOUSES WINNETKA YOU'LL, BE "AT HOME" IN TR'Iis less than a year old mod. Eng. brl'rk just offereed for rent at an unbeliivv-w ably low figure. 5 bedr., 41ý2 b., îowdor raii. Knotty pine library wit-h 9pc11* fireplace, breakfast and gaiii. rjolni. GLEINCoE LOVELY EAST LOCATION, 5 BEI>R., 3 baths,. beautiful porch-unusu'tal ly, 7. ICM. BARRIiÇGTON COUNTRY. residence with ail modern conven- ienes-2 baths-15 acres of meadow- be-autiful oroh4ard-small barn. In the country yet near transportaýtion, echools and Country Club. Will be newly paint- ed white and wilI decorate .to suit, Be- cause of lateness of season have, jpst, reduced rentai fromi $150 to $100 pèr mo. Phone Bar. 623. 97LTN2-ltc WINNETRA -$100 \101NTi Attract. red brick home. Siate roof, 3 bedrms., 2 baths,. htd. slp.. pch. and sunrm., gar. Good Winn. sec. W\ýooded lot.21/2 blk.to schi. & transp. Aiso. Other Mr.Lang, nnetka 1194 H(JVSE HALF B140ÇK FRO'M LAK., Ist loor: living pûoom, îunroOxn,. breakfast room, pantry, ki.tchen; 2nd floor: 4 mnaster bedrooms, .3 baths, nn1id'ý; room and :bath. June -)tli i Sept. 5th., $300 per mionth. Phone iCenil- worth. 5505. 9RLTN2-tte CHiERFUL 12 RM. BRICK HO10ME,1 3 baths,, 2 sunms.,, 6 bedrnis. 2nd tl., 1, )edrni.,,bath on lst, 3-car gar', er% -. ants' entrance. View of lake. Adjacent to No-Man's-Land. Vould -share-.- en il. 5262. 11 1.I . 481'N2-1]t) A.LM.%OS1T HIDIDEN IN THEW' i' yet but 2 blksg. from. lake and! tan-ji. Charining Winnetka, 4 bedrmi., :1,a home, $300 for >6: of the be~4stin.i weeks., Kenllwort4i 5288. 9IT2 4 ýROOMS, 1 BATH,' COMFORTABL1,Y furnished from June 15 toSepteml>..r-i 15. Reasonable to right party. XiI- mette 2715. 9L-, SUBLEASE, FOR SÙMMER. 5 ROOMN house, furnlshed.' Quiet location. 1106 Washington, Glenview. Reasonable ren- tai. Glenyliew 464R. 98LTN-ltp WANTEDto 1» NT-F'URN. H obUtBE furnlshed modern bouse, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, under $250 per month for July and August, AIsô 3 bediooms, 2 baths under $150 per month for July and August. McGUIRE & ORR, hlic. Over 43 years ef Dependable Service, 328 Park Ave. Glencoe 13 * FOR RENT-GARAGCS ONE BLoOCK FROM BUINSI Contral business location. Phone Wil- mette 2399. 14LTN1-4tp FOR RENT -DESIRABLE OFFICE space ln the Wilmette State Bank Building. Inquire at the Bank. 104LTN524te FOR SALE-NOUSzs For Discriminating Peolple7 147 CHESTNUT STREET. DR4IVE PASI' THL$ HANDS.0Mký; & Smith, Ave. Agents Wilmette 500 9 2LTN2-lte ATTR:ACTIVE. BOOM FOR RESI- dence lnapaartment building. Central location. Phone Wllmnette 239,9 or Wl!. 2427.9LT24p WILAIETTE-July. lst, spacious 7 r.,. brick hse., 2 bîks. to beach, N. S. and «'1." 3 bedrmis., 2 baths, sun. parlor, breakfast rm. H. W. O. ht. Garage. 240 Greenleaf .Ave. 97LTiN2-ltp FOR RENT:SUMMER HO)ME, WHIT- hall, Michigan 'and home at 6q~9 Cura-: nor, Road, Kenilworth. 97LT«4l2-1tp, 'he BILL.bS KEALTY, mc. 529 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1166 -Wilmette, 3740) 1I1LTN2-lteý GOINO UP? YES! THE BUY 0F THE YEAR! THINK of It! 8 room -house-2 baths, 2 car garage, wlth 4,living rooms, lni rear; sltuated on 50'foot corner lot, payed. street, a'Il mottern Improvemenérts. Onlly $5,500, cash or ternis, Cail now-WiI- mette 3398., 111LTN2-ltp, tJSED Q CON,% FOR] KENILI 4 727 77U AL-tp