718 Elm Streel Wi.potka 51 Commodore Mayonnaise. For tasty salais or sanidwkthes,, a fresh, creamy. mayonnaise os Mefirst ess*ential. -,There's none finer than this. Quart.49c iintl9c Hnd Pack Tomaoe OnIy the finest, ripe, red, fi rm tomatoes used in this pack-For a uile different flavot, add celery sa1ii+0 5easOning, when serving hot- Doz. 1,45 No 2.5 402 151 New York Sfafie Apple, Sauc e Just ýlike home- made Chili and serve ýwiib cream for brëekfas+ or- as a deseni .coôurse.- Iý N9.2 23cÇ Potao Chps, Pipr-imsalted right, 'ad fresh Sa . good with cold mets, ýcanned flsh or 'as an, appetizer,-bse - '/2-lb. bagq ________________ I ____________________ Underwood Deviled .Ham So convenie nt to ýhave on hand for iasty sandwiches or appe- izers-Nothig to b 0 d4ed. lfts perfectly seasoned and flavorsome. Table ,ar- 25C Medium tin-2 for 25c Large fin 22C Assorded English Style Biscuit A splendid assortment for the pic-- nie basket-Shortbread and sand- wich varjefies in bath white and 3 f 7 chocolate cookies- IL.pkg.- FISII ARMOUR STAR POULTRY I ASSORTED COLD CIJTS Jus+ the thing. for that pkic A c . lunch or kalter-auf-schni - lb.45cJ FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FRESH NEW POTATOIS & ~N~PINEAPPLE Large size-FuiI of real flavor. -CHOICE POT ROAST So good when raasted ta a brown tendernoss in-a Duich Oven,2 c l b.- -42 BEEF. VEAL. PORK .Ground for Loaf-Add an eag, chop- ped onion and seasaning. Serve i> hot, or slice. cold. bIL 25c JUMBO SHRIMP Cookc 8 minutes in boiling salf waer- Cool, remnove'shells and they are ready to serve- lb. 29c FRESIH ORESSED BROILERS Wb.t is mare tempting +han golden- brawn, tender, delicai. n chieken? 2forI1.09i Door FRESH TELEPHONE PEAS Deliciausly tender and swee - Serve wihbroiled lamb 2ls.I9 chops. bs19 ine for. boiing and creaming, or, seasonng-3lbs. IJ 3 FRESH SPINACH lresh, tender leaves-the known brawn builder- weIl- peck 19C Winnetka 51 Wilmeffe 151 Fresh. Frozen Fo Just Give Us a Ring We'II Send Everythingl. js on Sale ai Winnetka, Wllmette, 2000 and Broadway Stores, I Rogers.Park 0118 Buclçioegamý MEATS M AY2,7, 193 7 i 1- 1.