This year's camp wiIl be divided into two periods: the first, f rom Sep- texuber .9 to 12, for prospective fra- ternitv rushees; the second, from Spetember 12 to 15, for men who do inot, at present, plan. to join a fra- ternity. At the Freshman camp, men are Riven an opportunity to heqr and meet. men- Whoare Àprominent in ac- tivities and such leadingfaculty mem- bers as Dean Charles. M. Thopso of the Colege of Commerce, Prof. L.' H. Provint, head -of the Depart- nment of Architecture, and Dean Fred H.. Turner, dean of men. Any man going to Illinois this fali should let Harvey He'nsel, chairman of the Y. M. C. A. Freshman FelIow ship committee, know. His:,address is. the University Y. M. ýC. A., Boxl 589, Station A., Champaign. III. TURKEYS., castk over spthstheted and be n- castick will sptheor ted fighdbroadne- works of the National Broadcasti'ng companyv, providing the largest cover- age ever given anyfgt É oè said. n ihM.Fl~ A total of 125 stations will carry. the comiplete account of the battie. described at the ringside by ýtwo ex- pert announcers, with radio. time re-, served for fuli. coverage whether the fight lasts one or fifteen. rounds. This, is the: third major ligb-t broad- cast, by Buick, this mnangfacturer having broadcast the Baer-Louis and the' Schmelling-Louis fights, in 1935 and 1936, respectively. Selection of the announcers who wIlgive color and blow-,by-blow descriptions will ýbe. announced later, Mr. Folev said. Sfo il lb. overage lb. 219c SULTANA OLIVES... STARJAR DILL PICKLES STARNQTJAR5 CORNED BEEF AMUR 2O1c STR eCAN 1. VEOAL LOAF, Ùý' SANDWICH$pREAD ýRA.JAH PT.'>9 HOT DAN CR.EAM,.STYLE PRECH' MSTARD..'OZloc CHASE'& SANBORNR T COFFIE CRACKERS, ~~LB.Z7c I-LB.i SUNNYRIULD FLOUR 24A.L 79 c IONA' PINEAPPLE 3 NO. 2V2 CANS SLICED 5 -t HEINZ. LOUPS I 16-OZ.25 CANS Except Clam Chowder, Consomme and Gumbo BORDEN'S CHIIESE CHATEAU, AMERICAN. BRICK 13. 1i&C CQLD MIEATS. ,L..SLICEP ..I5 Y:ULU................ At Your A& P Meat, Market 70T £'/4 b ave rage FANC y No. 1i Ht DEL.KMONTE PEARS I NO.- SNIDER'S CATSUP, i 4-OZ. l BOTTLE &u STANDARD OR PIMENTO PABSTEiT PKG. QT. JAR V