. Miss jean will enter Mill at. Oakland, Calif., in th, - J, * .~, _ Commencement at N. C. E. Wil Begin June 5 Commencement activities for sen- iors at the National College of Edu - cation will begin with the Senior * mencement address wfllcfl wuî pre- cede the announcemelit of scholar- shIips for the conung year. ARRIVE$ FROM EAST Mr.Walter H.' Williams, 614 Earlston road, Kënilworih,ý arrived Playgrousid bail is iist as popu- lar as the hûrd bail vaHecty.at Newv Trier High school. A bove is shown a gro.up 0f Playgroti#d bwl l #yere ia giynnasinrn class. At the side is Carl M1ichelsen, intramural star. The Pholographs zîwere laken by ll'oody UWilson. Demonstration: Sehool Commencement June 4 Fourteen boys and girls, members of the eighth grade ini the Children's Ijemonstration school at the National College of Education in Evanston. will receive their graduation diplomas Frday evening, lune 4. At the-ëxercises, whicli will be held home Sunday from. Attl eboro, Mass., where she , vlsited her sister, Mrs.. William Rohman, for three weeks. Mr. Williamis drove to Massachusetts with her, and on the r7eturn trip. she was accompanied byý her nephew, Robert Roliman, -who carne hotnl .with his aunt for'a .Visit. Interest oDeposits: Ifltest on 2î% savings Pan J3Book'Detoosits We pay 21,1% per anhium intep«et on Savings Deposits - interest payable July 1 and January 1. Accounts mnay b. estab, lished in one name or i ore than one name p~ayable to cither or to the. srvi. vor. Savings Puiss Book form is an iduul InteTrest 1% on 2 %Sire Certificatesof Deeski w. a %% e nu itr«o *Tie Certificates of Deposit wlth IatqU- riti.. of six ixionths or longmer. W. .Ka. Egighty On.eè West Monroe CHICAGO. MEMEEriNDERA4L DRPSTISRNECEo 22%,