Whifs..Colors. New Potternis ..Doubleand Sînqle are sted .Plai ond Sport Bocks Summ her timne iS palmn Beach, time and this year. good looking, handsomely tailored Palmn Beach suits are tmore ipratta vr Doulebrased suits with plain or ýsports, backs in, white, new, colors and patterns. Also' a number, o' silngle breasted styles ini- ci ded. f z r r, I j NO MONEY D'OWN 10 Weeks to Poy Charge purchases made Friday and Saturday wil be posted on Ji.ne« Statements, pay-, SUPER TOWN SHIRTS1 WJEDOLA This q u ali ty is equal to hats sel- Ing in other storesi at $2.50 and $2.95 ! Made wlth a~ self- adjusting cornfort- 'ANSTON MAY 27, 1937 2 l ý.1 m a $16075 rAN'lS ý.O.N