cation imust bear tiheulame and address of the author, flot necessarily for publication, but for our filés. Such inaterial must reach thc editor by.Tuesday noon té be iii titue for the current issue.. A DoG,.EXPERIMENT The experiment. which the Village board of Kenliworthi is making îin the solution of the dog problemn and the control of dogs will. be watched with interest by ýother ,communities. 'After holding public hearigàs ôon the provisions ýof a, new ordi- nanice, tlîe board passed the measure, a majority of. citizens attending tEe hearings speaking in approval of it. That is the beginnirig.' The second stage is enforçeunent, anîd, in this more or less trouble may be expected. The ordinance provides that any "fierce, danger- ous, vicio'us or 'barking dog", * ay beà killed or re- inoved after proper proceedings before a police magistrate or justice of the peace. It also pro- vides for'two dog catchers on a fee basis, who'sha'll patrol the streets day and night locating stray or troublesomne canines in an effort to bring about peace and quietude and permit the villagers to catch a few winks of sleep. The. dog problern is a real probleni that 'faces ail north shore villages. If Kenilworth discovers the solution she will be blessed by AIliher neigli- bors. inan hie is. HowN great that grief was, and is, no oune can Içnow. That it was very, very real no one who heard the distracted voice could even for aii instant doubt. Whatever caused thie absence of the beloved. mate, it is to be ho0ped that it was-from natural causes. suchi as corne to huinans as well as birds. B.itterîtess would surely -fol1owv any informa- tion thiat a bad boy, possessed, of a BB gun pre-, sente d 1w in dulgent parents, hiad suddenly inter- rutdthe hiappiness of. the pair, ýor that a-preda-. torv cat hiad miade a.tmeal of,'the daîinty bird 1lady.' Pardon us for telliilg the story-especiallv for telling it so badly. But. the plight of that oriole' touclîed us deeply-and we are stîll- hopinig that his mate lias retturned, or wvill return. 4e* - LoY,,ALTY? OR, WHAT?ý Lovalty is otie 1of the nmoilt admiirable.of human. gttributes,. butt d ~ sonietilies 1)e .carried toc) fr-so far, ili fact, as to go beyouid.the bounds of 1ovakv' and becoie soinething elie. Ilu the fol-- lowing Instance the reader nia (lrawv his oM'i- con1clusionis "lFift\, year> a go. more or less, a voung mani grad- luated tromn the U.nited States Military acadlemv. In thc course of lus four vears, at XVest Point,ý lie al)sorbed the tràdltitons of the service, Nvus jinbued witl' tlat dleep. sense of lovaltv to blis brauch of thî srvce cheered for the armvi foot- Iyall- teainu xhdn it plavcd the navv, amdi yas iii- spired Nvith an anmbition torise iii 'service rankl. 'vears. * ,* * *To a man up a tree it looks as though thc Supreme court is throwing the states into the Ili's deni at Washington. f ust ni, case 'aiiyoiieshould,' for no good reason at all, disbelieve the details of the.follow-vin inci-, dent, tiere ,appears herewith the original picture of a bus, which should put doubters to shaniê or2 driveel4 Îlieni into silence.. A gentie- . man. from the sunnyslopes of - California,' passiiîg through ~ the metropolis to the southi foun'd that he had a few hours hianging heavily -on his hands, as Californians will any, place' oside, of Califortî.Soh decided, to. kilI the tune by a trip 1on a sight-seeing bus. Clamber ing to the top deck he tQQk a scat. where nothing cOoul blstruct lus view. A's the bus proceeded niortînvýard toward Howard avenue, the, visitor i oted a 'pair of sweet young things across the alerivcting attention upon himn and indulging' in Convulsion *after convulsion of utnrestrained nierrinient. Seeking the cause, the visitor found that hie lad lieglected to zip the zipper with which olie of lis important garments was xvont to be fiastcnie-d. Wluat to do? And how to dIo it sur- reptitiouislv Ar . brighit idea! A v'ery large lady, throat infection, or somethnng IUke tidla, ic wvas a good excuse for spending the day in bed and bexuîg waited upon like a real invalid. Also, it gave opportunity to add to a sc*anr 'store of natural listory knowiedge by observing a Balti- more oriole into whose. life some great tragedy had entered. Being particularly fond of this thoroughbred of birdland, with his brilliant plumage, princély mnien-and kingly manner, it was a pleasure to hear his Voice in the early hours of the morning, mate must found qu found at ali. And what. of the human who was also atternpt-, y-ear, lie journeved tw te anmal grunuroui connlict to shout for the armv teani and urge thern to sinkl and scuttle the navv teaili. A few Vyears ago, the old general took' his neph ew with him to attend the aniual skirmish of football warriors. The uiephew's motlier, who is tlie general's sister, lives just outside of the national capital. The general began to cheer for the army. Suddenly heë stopped,- looked. around, and took note of the fact that bis nephew was committing the unpar- donable Iblaspliemy of cheerIng for the navy. For "A huniane policy must be- worked ouit on a national scale to protect millions of workers from the cruel hazards of uticertain. erployment, recur- ring' depressions anid early old age," weeps Jini Farley. forgettîng to add that it will also keep' 'eniwhere thev can be voted. ag ,a inst the gadget ýas hie drew the dingus. enimesinlg so g-reat a quantity of fur ini the zipper that it becamne stuck and refused to zip ini eithcr .direction. -Neither could the visitor nor the ladv move except ini unison. Finally the conductor of the bus was. appealed to and producedI a knif e with which hie cut off generous quantities of the fur, releasing the lady who left the bus with nose high .in air, and the visitor, who also left the bus, but carrying with hini a paiuifully visible fure decoration which was, to say the least. em- barrassing-. The twvo sweet young things tell the powers of évasion. Asked if lie would vote for a womnan for President, the senator saici, "Tes and 110." Only a 'Senator could evade an issue with Suich nimble adroitness. ku' prng ivonderful? THTF. PHAbrTOm REPORMIL. I