Hraving lllrected the adva .nce sale of 1ý,800,000 expo- sition tickets, Mr. Hlarriowho was elected last mo0Ilt h to his th i rd t e rin as. Kenilwôrth presi- dent, wi!l present: in "Winterland." ant icec spectacle, o'ne of- the biggest a m Usem ent at- tractions ofý the Cle eland fair. P r epa r ations H. P.ý Harriàon for. the produc- tion, have con!- P)ellC(I Mr.. Harrison'for ýhe .past two rnlottlhs- to nia ke weékly visits to Toýrotîto, -'New, York, Cleveland, Dal- las., anid Fort Xorth. News (ispatcheCS frOniClevelanxd des&ribe ýXinterand" as an ceex trav'agLanza ilivolviing a setting of ice-, l)r!5. aciline-niiade snow storm.s and ail. cc skatig stage of 4,000 sqae fct. Featured as. a star i 11t. production xii he Ivelyn Chand- 1er wrl('schampion prof essional figure( skater, who was the star at- traction at "The Black Forest" at C]icago's' Cenitury of Progress ex- position. Others cengaged by Mr. Harrison for 1jinterland" 1 iclude Bruce Mapeýs, hutsband of Miss Chandler iîdfrmer Middle Atilantic skating Chîampion ; Walter Arian, producer netka, hai Phi Pi ternity at wofoI~~lie- bck \'n&ï,figuirc skating chamnpionî of Xort .wn .îc 0 xvIo vll be making Mr.Hariso'sproduction vill be oirected by Isaac \'ani Grove, fornmer * COjductor of the Ci cago Civilc Opera adtclilncal supervisor 0of-\ Max Reihîrd'sNe\v York suiccess, -The Fterrnal Road," Asisting Mr. Harrisoniiil) Is (ievelaîid offices is ilis dauiglîter, Ruth, a garadute of New Trier Tigli not our feet . to , e moved" Pam 06: 8, 9~. rç'am The Iessoiî-sernioîî also included, the follovingi passages' fromi the Christian Science text book, "Scienc~e an i-ealth with Key to the, Scrip-, turcs," by: Mary B aker* Eddy: "Science reveals, Spirit,' Soul, as 'hot in the. body, and, God, as not in':mai *ILI TSyourN Jko be surt