Show at New Tiri eir A series of approximately twenty-five photo- graphic portraits of emiinent Amnericans, most of themn from the Chicago area, taken by ýHelen Balfour Morrison of Winnetka, is on exhibition in the corridors of the main foyer of New, Trier High school at, the presen t time. The pictures. will remain on display tbroughout this week and may be..vïewed by visitorsto the schâoo as wel as by students and faculty. The series was selected by Mrs. Morrison with the intention of a dapting it in partîcular to the interegts of high gchool students, -and she has succeeded to a marked de- grec. Thé subjects,. in almost every case, are distinguished men and wom- en who have won. high. honors in: t heir respec tive voc ations or profes-. sions. Character, naturally, is strong- IV expressed in their faces, and Mrs. Morrison "has put'forth. aIl ber skl in n ffort to catch 'thefudm tl truths of personality. She saysý it is ber hope that the finisbed pictures and life. "Life-like"' is probably the Most. apt- word to describe ber studies. WVhetber depicting Walter Houston. the great actor, as he genially smiles and grasps his cigar, or the beautiful Ina Claire, the actress, as she stands i cbarming repose,-the pictures are only a fraction less real than thein dividuals themselves. It is arresting and instructive to one of many fine paintings in the spring exhibî- tion of th ei North Shore Art league.. Mrs. Ketch'- am's entry won à red ribbon inthe competition. The. exhibition will remain on, t-b.e ý'walls of the art in .WinnetkaCommunity.bouse until :May 28, and the ;public is.wélcome to vieSv the pictures . Mrs. Ketcbam is known on the north shore for ber ýmany outstanding oil and pastel portraits of adults and children' The series of concerts conducted annuaiiv 'by the Nor th Shore Chamber Music association at the Kenilworth club in Kenilwortb, discontminued the past' season, ivil1 bé revived for,1937-38. is the good, news received this week: froni several-of- the presiding officers of the organization. The, concerts, sponsored for the followers. of' mscand, especally for the devôtees of chamber music, conitributed a very real part to the musical life of the coiümunity,'and the announicemnent, of the' resumning of programs: next minter will be, welcômed enthusiastically, bv many tiorth shore residents.- The initial plans for. the nem s Ca- son were presented, and discussed on * Monday at a meetingý held at the home of M.,rs. ýC. E. G. Tuthill iii .Evanstoni. the presi dent' of the asso- ciation. Attendance was gratifying. and*the flrst details and aIrrange.ment-, promised -an auspicious begitnningftoi- a big year. The conimittee is not readv i c make official statemients regarding- the sale of season tickets and tlic niumber anid type of the concerts, buti in the near future aIl this information -wili be given out,' together witli a review of the purpose, lhistorv anid. record of the \NoÉth Shore Chianibtu Music association. Followving the business mleeting ât Mr.Tuthill's on M-\onda , thosé' present were entertained -wth a mil- sicalt programi presented bv WilIis; Charkovsky and Leonid Hamibro, thv YMrs. Morrîsoflis known in Chi- ça go as well as on the nortb shore for ber original and forceful pbotog- raphy. This winter she hiad a one- man show of "Famous Amnericans" and a group of studies entitled "Saga of the Old South" at the O'Brien galleries in Chicago, and just re- cently presented a lecture on photog- raphy for the Fort Dearborn Camera club. Her present show is excellent and decidedly worth- a trip to New 0v NIir. ha1rkovsky. leI f gml 4IU- si cians. of unusuial promise. are stil11 in their teens. The afternoon closed with a tua and social hour. On Festival Committee Cecetia Rav Berry, the auit, of Edit h. Rae Young~ of Wilmette, is a meni- Paintungs at Cordon Hazel Bell Risk of Winnietka, th-e nmusician and artist, bas three water color painfings on display at the Cordon club in Chicago. Two, "Little House in the. Foothills" and "Sand Pit in Ari- zona," were donc in Arizona in the southwest, while the third, "An Early Evening. in May," is a study of the north shore., Buenta Carter and' Ruth ilauber who are among the winners wilI also be presented on the program. In the official "Wbo's Who" among, women of, the' nation, the name of Mrs. Elliott -s\ilI soon ap- pear 'for the second time. *'Ameican Wýomen,", published biennially, is a permanent' biographical record of outstanding women of America. It includes the biographies of authors, educators, artists, professional *woni, civié leaders, college presidents, and others. * i i