Be Widely Feted Before Her Wedding Fecwý June brides are being en- tertained more widely thanMiss %Iariy-Lynch of Kenilworth -%ý7ho ,îs tobe. married June 8, to. Ricçh- ard D.' Cagney, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. William P. Cagney of Ev- anston. Scarcely. a day .lun 'the veeks immnediately preceding, t he ceremiony, but lias been set aside fior ,a party, .and ini sonie cases several affairs are, sched- uledfor the sanie date. The wedding is, to take :place: at 12 o'clock noon on. june 8, ini St.' Marv's church in Evanston, and will be followed by a' reception at Shawnee Country club. The entertaining commnenced last Saturday when Mdr. and Mrs. Cagney gave a formai dinner party for the bride and the members of hier fani- * uv. The 'next evening Josh D'Es- posito, one of the ushers in the bridai party,' entertained at a* Sun- day evening supper at bis horne in \\Wilmette. This week Miss Betty Kerr of 'Wilmette was hostess at a kitchen shoNver held at lier horne on Tues- day., and this afternoon Mrs. Fred Wedding Day of Miss Honefa nger iiss. Iorothyo lane I oe faiiger mwho is'to be miiarr-ie<l netxt othto William Kean 1i laple.v of San Franc+ýc5ôha@-cliose-ii Sat urday, June 19, as the date of lier approaching Neddiig. 'l'lié ceremony will take llace at 8 -30, o'clock in the.evnigat the Kenilworth Union cliirch, with the Rev,. Herbert L. W lett reading the 'service. Irnmediately, following. a receptioli for the members of the.familles and a e ery close friends wvilI. be beirI at the home- of the bride'sý parents,., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Honefanlgtlr, o f 321 Raleigh road, Kenilworth. The bride will have twvo atteundawis, l)oth of whom will corne from out- of-town for the wvedding, A foriner classmate of Miss Honcfanigur'> at the Hathaway-Brown Girl,;'school 1ili Cle.veland, Miss Georgia Randles o4 Cleveland, is to be the mnaid of honor, and Mrs. James A. Clark, Jr-. of San Francisco, the former Ge ra;ldiine Pletz of Chicago, will be tthe niatron of honor. James A. Clark, Jr-. will accom- pany' his wife here for the. wedrling tomorrow (Iriday) atternoon. Roseary Bil, ad FankCagn1ey groom, wiil have a cocktail party for the bridal couple Saturday afterfioon and this will be followed by' the.diný- ner dance which Pat Crowe that evening at the South Shore *Country club. Edward Skillin, one of the ushers, *will be hostat a cocktail party Sun- (pi;;unirr, vijs nrra ge 1! uto waIlrr ..(rocs tooR Place ,'aturi-aay ayrcr- nooii, May 15, at the home of hcr parents,M. and M rs. Sain uei Fairfa.x B-aker of 542 Ma pie avenue. The bride and bride!grilom wre to go to Ez'ans- Ville (atlter7. short zweddliin trip. Harriet Vosburgh Is Bride of F. M. Zeiler Aylward H. Vosburgh, 924 Elii Téa H stessýrhe rj TésHotes -sisters, I MNrs. Percival N. Cutter, 207 Wood- (Georgia stock avenue, Kenilworth, entertain- McDonald. ed her friends at a tea, al her home gowns ofg from, 4 to 6- o'clock Xednesday corsages ci afte.rnoô,n. and 'Mrs. M cdSIlk-and 'wore S.Mrs. Lawson came f rom Tuc- Former Wilmeffe 'Girl Engagod to Be Married, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0.. Small, of Ev- tte August 1. Ti1 their home, in After a honeymnoon. spent at Baiff 2nd Lake Louise in Canada. Mr. Hanii- lev mill take his bride to San Fral-m cisco to make her home. .Among the recent partie.,,Iiino of Mfiss Hlonefanger was the lilngcrie shower given Thursday of last wýcck bv Miss Scharmel Elliott of \Vil- mette. Tomorrow (Friday) Mrs. F'. E. Dohse and Mrs. Williamn Whitlnan of Evanston will be co-hostesses at a tea for the bride, and Fridav. '.lune 4, rs., Edward M. Torcoin of 1 - th NU J'ew TJhe. Rev. an-d Mrs. George Hleath- nto Canada. cote Flilis of Cincinnati annouince the will stop in engagement, of their dauighter, er cottages Dorothy Heathcote, to Roy Thomas eturning to Sellery, son of Roy Allister-Sellery of 7expect to 908 Ashland avenue, Wilmiette, and- 7ilmette. or the late Mrs. -Sellery. The wedd ing will take place in the autumn.