Early Classes Attend Meeting Threc members of the class of 18a - twere -presenrt last ISatur- d when the North, Shore AI- plia -Phi aluninae and 'the Beta chapter of the H'Ouse association held an annual reunion meeting. Týhey were, Mrs. T. MoulId- ing, of Wilmette, Mrs.. E. A. King of Chiçago, and Miss Mfin- nie Ruth, Terry- of, Evanston. Also present xvas*-Miss Henri-ý etta M. Cooiîe of theclass of. .1897.. New officers, of the. North Shore Alumniae association elected.at.that tinie are.Miss Emnily Carlisie. of Ev- anston, p r e si dent ,;Mrs. W. E. *Schweitzer of Kenilworth, vice-rei- dent: Mrs. Paul Hassel of Fvanston., secretary; Mrs. R. Bl. Douglas of Evanston, treasurer; Mes. Williami Yonkers of Chicago, Quarterly cor- respondent; Mrs. W. E. Burch of Evanston, chairman of -the luncheoni committees; Mrs. Harold Tidemnan of Kenilworth, chairnian of the Foun - der's Day luncheon and bridge to be held jointly with the South and'West Side Alumnae groups'in October. At the sanie meeting officers ýof the '..435IpieLiIIMtheC i1sLare the oficers holding over for another year, Mrs. R E. Wooden, treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Lewis, chairman of finance, Mrs.. D. W. Noble of Chicago, chairman of budget, Miss Frances Scheidenheim., chairman of bouse commfittée; Mrs. W. Scott McDowell, secretalry., Qne more meeting of the organiza- tion will be held in june. plan to be gone abouùt a- modth. Miss Mary-Stewart Galloway will attend the Holiday camp at Hacken-. àack. Minn., this summer... Carlos Photo Miss Barbara 411;1 Sargent rgt, the vice-presidepit of the Jimnior board of Northwesterit University settlement, was hostess' M the ineinbers of the board at a mneeting held at her home, 735 Sheridan road, W '«i;ietka, Wednes- * day of this week. The Piurpase of the meeting tuas to discuss Plans for t/he bene fit Bar.qain bail which the board will hold at the Stev'ens zo tel on Saturday ce'ein!q, lime 20. Miss EI:i.zabeth Bucheni (le ft), 605 Arbor Vitae road; 'ineka, the general chairman of the bail, is anmnq those. working to assure thc suçcess o! the par/y. The procecds i,*/I bifit t/he Housc in) the Woods, t/he summerci camp of the setlement. Homne onlly 'for a short tule, to. complete som-e details in~ connection with the lannual. style show of the Northwestern Ujniversity settlement, Mrs. John P. Hooker of 600 Berkeieey avenuie, Winnetka, left today (Thurs- day) for the east, going first to Ithaca, for Spring day at Corniell university, where ber son, West, is a freshlman; on to Vassar. *which d,.h. Luncheon for' Mother Mrs. Harry W.. Mons, 157 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, entertained eight guests at luncheon Friday of last week in honor of: ber mother, Mrs. james Evans. On Saturday, May 22; Miss Betty Willmarth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 1-. Willmarth of Omaha, Neb., was niarried to Leonard S. Schmitz, son of Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Schniitz of 500 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe. The ceremony was held in th e Glen-. coe Union church, with Rev. Douglas- H. Cornell officiating., Only the im- Miss Adeline Hahn of 110 Sixth street, a student at Rosary 'colIege, assisted with arrangements for the tea dance given last Saturday. at, Rosary college. Party to Resemble "Ice Crearn Social" Agarden party patterned aft- er the old-fahined ic cra social will be sponsored e.arly ini June by the Anders on gu.ld,,of .the Church ofý the. Holy Càm forter. Mrs., William McGib- bon., 201 Sheridan road, Kenil- worth, hias offered her home for the, fête,, and, the 'party. will 1be hçld on thl-e evening of Thurs- day, June 10, on' the McGiblbon iaWn. .l11 case of ramn or bad weather. the affair xviii be post- poned to the folioxving. evening. Refreshment stands xvii! be openi for the dispensi'ng of -hot dogs," candy, popcorn anid other delicacies. 'Enterainnent featuires such as cthe services of a haind-wtAritï*ng expert wiIl be a, part of the evening's at- tractions. Mrs. Walter C. Doering, the chaiîr- man.,of,,the guild, is in.ciharge oi the. arrangemnents for the party. As- sisting, on. her committee wvill be Mrs. Alex Josîju, Mrs. George Salis- bury, .Mrs. M. B. Salisbury, Mrs.. Warren S. Hillis, Mrs. W. 0. Be It, and Mrs. Fred E. Harwood of Ev- College Club to Hear "Scholar" and Fermer Reuben Taylor of La Grange, Ky., a Rhodes -schoIar who is also a farmer, vill appear at the Chicago. College club Tuesday evening,' Ju-ne 1, to sing ballads.of his>native state. He i s said to sing them with native flavor, but with a consciousness of their British background as. weii as of their appeal to audiences. His. Entertain Spoke Mrs. Charles Moody, 700 Forest avenue, and lier mother, Mrs. Charles E. Wells, were hostesses at a lunch- eon.'meeting of Spokce Twelve of the .Presbyterian church Tuesday of 'this week .in theit -home. : -ýý-ý