her home at 21 Linden avenue for the morlîig meeting, %whjich 1waýs followý- ed hy lun11cheonl. Mrs. Lawrence DeimAi of E. anston was chosen prc.sident of the junior board, wîith Ms Ralph. C. Angell, Jr.,> of Kenilworth, as secre- tary-trèasurer. Otiier junior board menîbers are: Mrs. Roderick McKenziCel, rs. XVaI- lace Mackenzie, Mrs. Hainitoxi Noyes, Jr., and Miss Dorotlîy Ger- hard of Wvinnetkaà, Mrs. Walter Glassý,1 Mýrs. -Hugh, Bridegrooni. Miss B e tty Archer and Miss Ruth Griswl0 o Evanion. The purpose of the Junior board is -to help the senior1 board in *pro- moting the work of the Park Rýidge school, said to be the only qschool in Illinois 'for dependerît girlç 'vlo. are îlot delinquent. O fM. Meeting t' Afrs. Ralph C.' Angeil, Jr., of Kenilworth,1was made secretary- treasurer of the- Junior board of Park Ridge School for, Girls at the iirsuetinigof. the uîezo'y-forined organivatjo,,Friday of' lakt weék. Tulie' jtoior qr<>up will aid the sno board lil its su(pporutof tlie Uwork of 11w- school,. a home fort dependent The ncxt lllee-ti1119Of the St. Frari- cshOIuschold, Order of Marthas,iIl he held on, Tue,ýday, Junc 8, at the Edwin J. Felke of St. L-ouis re- home of Mrs. Peter Van deNorth. ýcently spent afew days visiting his 207 Dupee lace, wivth Mrs. George sister, -Mrs. C. R. Schinal holz, 1223 Tarnow a ssisting hostcess. Xashiigtoll avenuei. i Il In the. Evanion Wome»'s Sho»II f or .your summer shoes Embroidered linon, bright flowers on white naturàl, or- black linen, .Conti- nental or hiqh heeI. $7.5. Sagqs. tf0 match, $5. ,White doeskin pump banded with na vy or London tan cif witl, h4je port boles. $7t.75. White doeésýin and'%, red earth calf fie'- also in ail white lin- en or in rainbow striped linen, $7.75. FELTS. $4 and »$5.. TRAWS, $4 and UP. ir mE."Htu HENRY C.LYTTON &SONS Shermsan and Charch E-FVANSTON' to8.7 DARA.:,STEVEN S, mc Evanston