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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1937, p. 48

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Benef it for Work of Junior D. A. R. *unior, group .members :of Fort Dearborn chapter, 'Daugh-. ters ýof the 'American Revolu- tion, who.,have been, putting ther eerg oflate into the art of , ticket ,salesmanshipý, .predict that their benefitý des sert bridge, party,, to be held at St .IL4ke's pro-cathedral parish house the, 'afternoon of Friday, June 4, iviii, be very iyell :attended. Thilsin formation was disclosed at a- recent committee meeting. held by the general chairman, Mrs. Stanley R. UlIrick. The party wiIl begin at 1 :30 o'clock. Those who havebeeu chosen to pour. at the tea tables during the serving of the dessert, are: Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds, until recently, regent of the chapter; Mrs. Reid R. Bronson, the new regent; Miss Gertrude Lam- mers, who served,-last year as chair- man of the Junior group, and Mrs. Lawrence Scott, the new chairman. Comrittee heads in charge of the party and their workers are: Tickets, Mrs. Scott, aided by Mrs. Dean T Lke rar:il desert. Mrs The studeMts of Marywood s,.chool wiIl participa te in~ the ainual Field Day activities . to 'be held Thursday, May 27, under the smpervi4sion of Miss E. DUBRois, head of -the' physical education department.. A group of those taking. part in the actiz>ities is pictured frere, zvith Miss. 'Rit'a Xuipers of Winnetka on the' right. O thers are Miss Mardianne Beneédiet, president of the Athletic association, and Peg.qv Harrison, president of the senior class, and Miss Johnet Janny. £?vents, which include the javelin throw, basebali throvs,, hi.qh-jumip, bro ad- jump, hurdies, and 1fifty-.yard dash, icili last from 10 in the morning until 2:30. The llnalists in basebail, archery, and tennis tournamnuts held dur- ing préceding weeks will perforrn on Pield day, for the en ire student body. Dnirinig a formai banquet that evening, the trophies for sweiminig, base- bail, archery; track, and ping fonq, will be presented to the winners. In addition' , eleven girls zvilI be awvar<led the Marywzood sw'eater for- extra cur- ricular actwvities. Al ter the banquet Ton v Torniczk's o r chr Wi *..4.. ... i - -.;L, 1'P, V Vme: 10É the L. B. Orphanage Friends Approach Wn of lst Season The* last monthly' meeting of the* Friends of Lake Bluff Or- phanag e,. before the summer, 1will be held Wednesday, June 2, at the home of oneC of the patron- esses, Mrs. Ernest M. Hunt,, 142. .:Abingdon, avenhue, Kenilworth. The as sisting hostesses xviii be Mrs. Ralph Rettig, rs..Bro er Monr.oe,'Mrs. Harry L. Whit- tier, and4 Mrs.> Wilford C. Lahl- man.. The',society is planning a social affair a littie -later on. be- fore the summer recess but the June.. meeting- will be tIhe last regulâr business and sewing ses-. Metnbers will meet at Mrs. Hunt's home at 10 o'clock to sew kinder- garten aprons and bibs for the chiu- drcn . the orphanage. Annual re- ports will be given at this tinle, and the new officers and committee chair- men will be installed. Miss Mary E. Harwood, secretary of the orphanage, will be a guesit--at the meeting and will address the nieni hrs * women, Mrs. Carl M. Wynne, Mrs. HToward Kay, Mrs. Arthur Stringer and Mrs. Ren W. Templin; prizes, *Mrs. Bronson; table arrangements, Mrs. Harry L. Hampton, assisted by *Mrs. Bronson, Mrs. James F. Spoerri, Mrs. Templin, Mrs. Wynne, Mrs. Walter C. Burket, Miss Lammers, al of Evanston; Mrs., L. P. Martens of Wilmette, and Mrs. Len Young Smiith of Winnetka. Proceeds fromn the party will. beý Have Joint Party Peggy Jo and Forrest James Gathercoal, cbildren of Mr. and M,%rs. Paul H. Qathercoal,, 2411 Thornwood avenue, whose birthdays fall on May 22 and May 26, celebrated their an- niversaries together with a large joint party for twenty-two guests at their home Saturday. The afternoon. was silent in iame- nd fnttp;n -. Wed Roberf CoII.tt Mr. and Mrs,. Walter W. Steiner of Evanston announce the approach- ing Inarriage of their daughter, Dor-' othy, to Robert William Collett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Collett of Oak Park Saturday évening, May 29, at the Georgian hotel. Dr. Ernest Fre- mont Tittie, pastor of the First Meth- odist church of Evanston. will read, recent improvement tO be uncler- taken is the rebuilding of the three playgrounds, one for the boys, one for the girls, and one for the smallerý children. They. will he resurfaced. with a.new patent preparation and will be. equ4i'pd with modern a- paratus. A large grocery order of staples and canned goocis is one of the rnost recent donations. The society sup-' plies the orphànage with fresh eggs event was held at Skokie, a gallery of probabl 5000 people saw Bill Tilden win the year. tournament. Skokie- members 'are William already sending in their reservations entertai for stries tickets, to assure them- friends, selves of securing good seats. party., n Wallace Kerr oi vW ined a f ew of Mrs. .1E i n ber honorat a small ~Y ~II9. siila tosuch tours prevTously ar- fl TeClnilCvretgido ranged by the Winnetka Garden club. a America held a display of twelve _________________ s. historical coverlets, this week in Or-~ -e chestra hall, in connection, with -the ing her were eight members of the. 'S National Folk festival. Mrs. D. H. guild, inclu-ding Mrs. S.. Van1 Trum p rGaren, president of theorganization, jester ýand Mrs. C.ý L. Cha les, o.f was, hostéss for the guîld,.and assist- Winnetka.

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