avviiiiiial INew JTrier for the past twenty-one years : The instruction, which will begin on june 21 wiIl continue until August, is so arrang,.d that a person mnay enter at, anY time, Mr. Jackson ,statedý Registra- tion Imay be made n tesimigof- fi ce' any week, day from 8:30 to 12 o'clock. croup instrutionis offered for' chl- . dren under 16 years of age ini a course consisting of eight lessons. A simnilar. cou rse is offered for aduits.'.There is a special rate for New Trier I-igh school summner school- students, Mr. Jackson said. Offera Pnivat 1InStructo For children and aduits, who do flot care to enter classes, arranlgemients cati be made' by appointnîent for, private instruction. -No, spectators are allowed where private. instructionigvn t was e xplained. i ié' Iii addition to, classes and private in- structioni, there is general swlimingC for chilren and àdits Who do flot care for instruction. The~ New Trier poconipleted last faîl has becorne a po)pular place during the winter months for persons desiring' to learni to swim and div'e of to become- more adept at either swinlrning or di1v- ing. Water ini the pool is filtered con- tintially and is teste*d regularly byl the Winnetka heaitti departmnent, Mr. Jack- son stated. The daily schedule for the summer swimtning instruction has been an- nounced as follows': ý90 Annunuces Sehdaie day, boys and girls who pass test» Tuesday and Fridav boys93er l and older.Y-9yar od 9 :45 tolO10:25 a. m.-Monday and Thturs- day. general sWimmling period, boys and girls, no. instruction'- TUesday and Fr1-. day, family3 group, 'pen to eît n child ren. 10:30 to il1:10- a. m. - Monclay and Thursday, boys under 9 years; Tuesday and Friday, girls 9, Years and oVeI'.,1 11:15 to 11:55.0'clock.- Monda Y and Thursday, girls under 9 years; Tuesday and Frida, .women., HONORED 1AF CoLLGE a In ei McK'endree, Hutchins, f .met a student at Eureka college, has just H been eJected tO serve as senior editor Mis Of the Prism. the college annual. Also aspo Mr :uthis was chosen president the Co Of the Social BloardIof Con, at th-e Orinnell, all-school elections held recelntîy. Mr. j mother, Hutchins- is a memiber of Tau Kappa Grinnell Epsilon fraternity. Iseveral d IN MARINE RESERVE Three Winnetka, boys whô have signed' up -with the Marine reserve will be in training, 'probabl in Cali- foenia,: for six weeks, lea'ng' h villge te n, Jne. ýBilly Colemên of 120,Meadow lanewill drive home fromn Dartmouth« early- in June, .ar- riV.ing: in the village june 9:or- 10. J immny .Donovan, another of. the group, is al.so returning f rom Dart- mouth, *and -the third in the grou p> is Irsity of Virginia'student. [AS SCARLET FEVER. Julia Carroll, 504 .Fifth street, more at Grinnell college, 'is at Dntagious Disease hospital, 1,with scarlet fever. lier Mrs. H. C. Carroll, went toi last Friday to be with her for days. FRQM TATMAN'lS .Datted sRti8a blouge, lbroad- oiot& panta, s to 5, 81.95. Nowhere along the North Shore1 wiIJ you find such a large and varied china 'display as at Tatman's, in Evanston. Many designs the academy. He ij a. corpoGral tin Com/'any C' of the infantry bat talion and is a member of the CUI7 ver, Rifles ho>ior guard 707 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON GREENLEAF 2450 'I. drea e, -t It c, iftzerIad Iepir.d Miis gay d~t.dswlss l'1f*le boy and liffi. miss. col and crisp. fun.ta e w étte. Gi 1 l Id