Tcd S. Ficld, son of JI r. and-lirs. H. F. F>ielil, LUI.IMapie awé W- mu'id - 440Foesti -leH !~ d, Jl, soin of Air. andmi s ilimHa,'- rid , 1th oesMil . n , l î,, e te a e ail w ;uj ti e ;19 illi nlo s s e io s ai /jeCnlz'êr .iilfar i ode, jv /'0ofer 1loking lorzcard tb going through ihe Ira Gae" t Cnn,'ncc n nion June 9. Bot/i cadet.s arce nu,nboirs of th'Cevr8ar~ /e o/ ipsc itooýl s,,1r1, OTC fi/eHartil1ery fiunit Fila f(our 1-ar. manî at culve r, Ilia'St Fr ci taeîan activu part inî dramlatics dur- S.F a csX ve ing l'in adetslp and lie in a inembher of Track Team FVPinzs tie taff ()f dIe QuilI, the Culver quar- terlv nmagazinîe utd bv cI1wc,. 14PT'~.LQ L. I (SEVENTH IN SERIES). Ob The importance of pasteuriza- tionin he productionof pure mlk cannot be overemphasized. It'. the utmost assurance that the mnilk is absolutely safe. From glass lined containers in the dairy, Bowman M'ilk flows to the pasteurizers .-' great, copper tanks, shown in the illustration. There it is carefully, heated by controlleA. fenm. ta. l144 l.s ,ari nu was a tacicîe on the :11, with seven the o o football squaid and.thec yçar before wàs schoolsin the other for bott:St mi . the polo squad. He hfas, taken au Francis garnered. 38 points, with StE. active part ini cadet activithius anîd îilaved Ignatius.. runner7up. annexing 21. The--- ilitramnural basketball and hasebail this otlier contenders xvere far down in the year. ratîng. Field plans to enter tdie Pasadejia, Summnaries of the mneet: Calif., Comrniluitv Plavhou,ýe, Sc[, ol 01 f ;jYard dash-Time 6.1. 1. Klein, St. the Theatre, while Harridge lutends to Francis; 2. 'Brien, St. Francis;. return to Culver for vvork i'i the Junior Raine3,, St. Thomas. (.ollege nex± year. * 100 Yard dash-Time 11. 1. 'Meni1ce, StE. > _________________Ignatius ; 2. Klein, St. Francis ; 3.* The Sèwing club1 which is conîposed damnes Hlenry tlofm, Jamc of Kenilworth members made a trip Richard Miller, William L to Lombard on Tuesday to see the Meyer, Fran~k Wedl, Richa ilacs and to Bensenville -to. have. Owen Barber, Lawrence itlincb.eon at Plenty Wood: farrn. and.Chanles Bohn. Htarvey,* ., Jtilius Ramig. PATRNIZEOURADVERTISES