On desirable i m'p r,v e d Chicago and North Shore property. Consuit us about y o u r financiigl problems. INSURANCE Joseph C. Cormack & Co. Me0 She-rxan Ave, Evanton,. O11. BURNERS SERVICE and SALES Timken Slet Automatîc EqUipmentl DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE-~ALLMÂKES. JACK SLOWN cou - UItH EIS * AIR Ctd>O 1141 Gre.ml.af Ave., WiLintte PhSx. 221 Wilumett. S.w meh.N"'ahSh«O j r M .r 141/2%o UNTEREST ResidentWalproperties, uestricted aisans. Evanston and North Shore. Sor 10 year teruî. Semi-anrnial iaterest payments. The above photo.qraph shows the, iîrst seriesaof: model, homes i te "Meadouplate-" addition to: Wilmette, jiist 7vest of Skokie, boulevard on the north sie of Lake avenue, recently comf'leted and OP o th 0 Ie pblic. Witzleben Sales Staff Increased The Witzleben Realty ccsmpany, 632 reen Bay road. Kenilworth, an- ounces the following new members ni the sales department. James 0. %earns, formerly president of the rOý Kearns Real Estate company of engaged in the real estate business prior to her connection with a Chi- cago loop real estate company. Ray- mond l ladley is in charge of the in- surance department of the Witzlehen Realty company. The following have been members of' the sales department since the company was started; Mrs. L. E. Tilden of Evanston, Mrs.: Barbara The subdivision, it was announiced, will have all improvements including sewer, water, and streets, without. special assessments. Each home bas been designed and built under the supervision of Arnold J. Weil, graduate architect. It was emphasized- thatý efficiency in aIl de- partme.*n.ts of the house had heen. it was completed appeared ïin tluye yearly review of real estate in New Trier township printed in January by this newsmagazine), and was pur- chased by George B. Mulloy. It was chosen as the bouse of the montb ini the "Amnerican Builder" magazine for January.. Each. home will with attached gai ve six rooms, , sun deck, :one terraces, esti.matinyg, engineering, or sales of valves,- fittings,- pipe, and fabricated. ripiflg*into oâne unit, the Valve and Fitting departmetnt, with' W.- H. Pape as.. manager. Mr. Pape enters his new position with 25' years' experience covering a.Wide range of. industrial ipp -lications of Cranieproducts. His ,irst actiVity was ini heavy railroad construction followed.by s imilar work n New Yo rk. subways. In.1 1914 he .:ntered the oul industry serving sub- lequently as designer, operator, and sales, engineer. He joined the Crane Drganization in 1927 as spécial. rep- rèsentative in New York and later in the Boston territory. For six year-s, he was in the: Oklahoma and, Gulf Ooast ou i eldsi and forthe, past 1 %2 years has been manager of the' Oji Sales department in the, general of- fice,, Chicago. The former industrial sales de- partment and engineering sales de- partment are consolidated into a new.% -section-the engineering sales sec- tion of the valve and fitting depart- ment with E. Burke as manager of this section. G. F. Wright, assistant manager in charge of estimating and other activities dealing with fabricat- ed pipe and allied products, and W. F. -Lai. assistant manager, supervisin g.; ment include pipe ýaIes, mainue saies, oil sales, railroad sales,ý and ýwater works sales. New Residence to Be Erected in Winnetka Six building permits, one for a neW residence; four for remodeling jobs and two for private garages were issued in. Winnetka during the past --month1y or yearly pàymens- FIRST NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Fountain Square, Evanston WILMETTE ICE CO., Coolerator - Ice Cubes' 733 Green Bay Rd. WiL $3,