DEPENDS LARGELY UPON THIE WISE AND CAREFUL SELECTION 0F WALLPAPER To.persons witha decorative problen, W e suggest an inspection of . 'WO)OD. DAVIS" washable alapr. The. interesting and fasintin edsig produced. by the world's finest artiste, Wifl prove an inspiration. Ask your Decorator for the 1937 "Wood.Davis" Sample Books--or'corn e to our stores for selection. *We feature STRAHAN* and BIRGE wallpaper9. WO D MDAVIS* C00 44q.ortb flore'p JMost comblete Pailuter.' B upply nolise" 155SHERMAN -AVie, EVANSTON W. Deliver A cross rom tMe Valqncia UNI M85 * UIILT I IVIAIKt lAIAs1E N E w hVITAATCI/iBBFFA s UTs UN EvER- oc£ TRAy, UN EVEY "StUPE-DUTY" MODL/ l Btfore selectiîxg tlwic ,1aI 'viilter> of COMMENCEMENT tlle posture wlig ncs h in- Mr. and \Irs.Roger, F.Wilhamns mers of the advýiser rooin contest were of 410 Forest av entie are Ieaving an>ne.Thev wue: MissRr edinis Ttuesdlav to driv e to) Saltzburg, Pa., adierrfo or tle comnmencemenit exercises advse roinfirst, M1rs. Dell'.s avie ,~uIl 5, at thle Kiski Springs scîiool, No roonii second, M1rs. Stnitih\ advisur roinl froni whiélh their son, Roger, Jr., 5 third and *M1rs. Co' adviser rooin \%Ill be graduated. l'lith Te w~iners. of -Ile walking MUADE O 907 Line..Avenue IL NCo9,I