MAKE YOU1<SELECTIONS NOW FOR FALL PLANTING! We are importers of HOLLAND,,FLOWERING'BULBS FREE OFFER hefore May 27. Pre"ent this card anmd, 3 Franken's Deligbt ..elphinium Plants or 6 with order .FR Ef i Landscape Consuitaion without Obligationi 4sk, for Circular di EV ERGREENS- PERENNIA.LS PHLOX, SHRU BS, ETC. D)EERFIELD, ILLINOIS Deerfield 241 Phone Enterpiise 124.1 a SE THE NEW 1937 GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRU GERATO RS alq>)eai*iKIg 'daeh week, ineliuue informa- tion on th.e general subject of garden f)anning and care, soil and plant physi- ology and'related sutbjeet;s. Dr. Fonder Ws ass(Wilatd wlth thé, Caldwell :Seed v<>pany it. 1,502 Shernian avenue, Evý- anst<>n, wvhê'rq- he mnakes his headquar- ters. JIow to RecogitL. e, Cedarý-Apple Rist Last week a, miethod was ,p roposed for the contrai of Cedar-Apple, Rust which does flot- involve the. remnoval of eit ber the, Red Cedars or the alter- nate host,_tiheornamental Hawthorns w rite to Us Dr. J. F.'Fonder, the author of "GaÇrden Hints," solicit'sexrs sions from l is readersand ail gar- den devotees.,These.,may corne in the forin of question s regarding certain difficulties encountered by- the gardetier or as suggestions and hints about unusual success achieved ini cultivating certain flowers or shrubs, care of soul, fer- tilization or any other details that> *mighit be considered of interest to help amateur gardeners in this lo- çality. Such communications must be confined to flot more than. 3M< words, because of irited space. Please feel free to makesuch con- tribution s at any time. Thev will res tcta bcause ai tneir suscepti- bility to damiage by Cedar-AppIe Rust and the apparent inability to controir this disease.' Now that following a. definite spray schedule with colloidal suiphur has been denonstrated as ef- fective in controlling Cedar-Apple. *Rust, the use of both the hqqts cal' be expanded and those alreadv- in use in the planting cati be in a mutich better condition of health. ,Can Be Recognized The presence of Cedar-Apple Rust ini that the which surroi ward in chat ion exposiflg within., .edar-rusts on apples. LyiSh peridical ceils, the aecia, turn out- ristic vase-like fasb- brownish aeciospores Aeciospores blow to.and, inoculate Red-Cedars throughout the remainider of the growing season. No evidence of infection is seen on Red-Cedars until alrnost a year later. Symptoms are first.seen late'inJune of the year folbowing the production of aecia on, apples, as tiny, duli-green swellings or galis. These increase, in size' throughout the sumtner. and by fall. are fuli11-size,. duli brown in color, and have numerous horn-like projections. They f requently are, thought to be, seeding bodies and are er.roneously, left undisturbed. The next spring during each rain the spores f rom with- in the gail cînerge to the surface, until by the end of six to eight gelatiniz'a- tioni,-the ftil complement of- spores hias been produced and the telia drop from the galls. Shortly afterward the galis die, but continue to dling to' the Red-Cedar twigs, often for sev- eral weeks. Cite& Hosta Hosts for the Cedar-Apple Rust disease are found in the genera Juni- perus and Malus only. The Juniperus or telial hosts are few. They consist only of the Eastern Red-Cedar, Juni.- peruis virginiana L., the Western Red-, Cedar. J. scopulorum Sar., and the Creeping Cedar, J. h o ri z ont a 1is 01 the ornamental apples (Malus ap.) ail of the North American species and one foreign species, M. sylvestris of Europe, are consistentiy susceptible. . The following spray schedule i, suggested as probably, sufifcienit to cnrlCedar-Apple Rust to the pointi that the -Cedar gails can be picked by hanid: 1. For ýornamiental apples: Apply Il rs t spray soonl after leaves appear. FoIlow with four, or five additional sprays at 7 to-8 day.Intervals. In absence of rau:, the. nirio-.a ,,-,,he xe.cé PUBLIC S!ERvIceCOMPANY Of NORT14ERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Ave. caused by the, second stage of the rust ' the aecia, which usually mature early in July-about sixty days later than spermogonia. Aecia are pro- duced on swollen cushions of tissue on the under side f leaves,. immediately beneath the sper-mogonia on leaves XIr. and Mrs. W. W. Davidson, Jr., (N"ancv Wilds) of Niles Center, an-. 'loUtiCe the birffi of a daugbter, Ann Woodruff, May 23, at the Evanston l'ospital. Mr. and Mrs. John' L. Wilds of 244 Oxford road, Kenil- Worth, are the maternai grandparentsý of the -baby, and Mr. and, Mrs. W. WV. Davidson of Evanstop', the, paternial* grandparent.s.