. . . . . . . . . in ProNinces wherc the surf rolls In froin the Atilntjc; the grcat plav-_ .grotind of Jasper Natiolnal jark ini Alberta: the holiday land of British Columbi1),a on the Pacific Coast; a water.,tour througli the sothIsd Passage Of. Alaska., a cruise to the ronaltic West Inidies, ,Or. a train excursion to Callanider, ini Ontario, home of 1he, beloved Dionne' Quii-' tuplets. tourists have a;l wide range ofvacation Possibilities placed before thcm through the suminier . scli dules of the. Grand- Truntk-Caiiacîiaui Na- tional lNailwav, aceordliing to A, H. D)avis. general western. passenger agent for that. company in CChicago. O)ffer lReduced -Rates Froiii June to early Septel>er ilte Canadian Natioial*RailwaýSs-«Iil sei rn-tp tickets, at special redce lfares froin Montreai and points ini Ontario*anl Quebec to ceniters, in thc Lower S.Lwec and Marit 1ime Provinccs, perniting a stay oft thrce ý%eekS, thus providinig p t of time1 for a good holidlay at a bat hîng 1b(aCh] or other resort along tue( Atianitic Coast or infland. \tYacatioiSts mlay sec the iamlous A(,a.ýpv Peinsula this summner bv *travelinig over the Canadian Natioa lnes to Mont Joli, Quebec, froin whiclh point are operated dailv auto- mnobile tours of three and four davs alonig 55() mifes uf picturesque sceni- erv. mnounitains and sea, the RilVer and Gulf of St. Lawrence and tlie Bae des Chaleurs. These tours have been: plamned to provide a coniprehensive all-(expcisc-linciuded trip rceqnirinig a. mnimumiiii of time and expense. Arrange Unique Cruises So far, as water cruises are 4,on- cerned, cithier alonie or %vith the iamily, there are: si,çty vacation off er-, ngs during june to September ,aboard e'.1ady' liners anid ,vagaboiid cruise" vessels of the Canladian Na-, tional Steaniships, sonie fromi Mon- ircal and others fromn Halifax via Bos'ton., Maýss. for the choice of vaca- tion seekers. Loédge, ýAil scenic routes to eith Prince Rupert befo shi.for the North. boardiing thieji A BAGAINOFFER! The PIantom G. Ei .Hotpolnt Automlatic Iron. Regular-ly $7.95. ýAnd asmart. Pin-elt-ýUp Lamp. Value$42.00. ft.Tlf fO AND YOUR OLD MRON Large 2-story brick building with spacious grounds and the beautifuil CRYSTAL BALILROOM Corne (ut and Witness the Grand Openiflg cf the CRYSTAL BALLROOM Sof.., May 29,>ond Ss., May 30 can DU4 $0 risiqg ç,si queted in isi.ad- ariiemeet arteub e .change u*h- euvt ne"ice PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS 114.1 Cent*ral Avenue To,ce cntiwt and' ether cests, a cerne- euhai higber pria iià ehargodl.rappIioumen sold en deferrod >a,-.uas. CHIlCAGO OUR i