directing, through intelligent study and experience, we can give you service that is both tactfut and efficient. You may entrust us with ail deta ils of the funeral arrangements with the assurance that, everything wilI be given à ur ýpersonal supervision., Thsreivs eaivs'd friends ùf trying respônsibilities and insures maximum satisfaction. WILMETTE 1118 GRtEINL13AF AVENUE phtone Wilmette 654 LADY ASSISTANT DE- LUXE AMBULANCE. SERVICE 30 YEARS ON* THE NORTH SHORE WINNETK 554 CIENTR STREET Phon' Winnetka 404ý INI The fUt O8TS NOTHINO EXTR A Braun Br-os. Heatîng Oil Service us acceipted as "tops" on the North Shore The oi. . SILVER FLASh.. is ïefined and graded according to exact specifications. Sign a Braun, Bros. agreement now, for the BEST i. t costs nothing extra. With our speclal Care- Free Service You turn' ail the responslbllity of oil delivery over to uis. We wateh your ofl supply constantly. BRAUN OIL e r "for fuel 812 Oa~k Street, Winnetka use oil" Ç n JWilmette 831 hoe J MWinnetka 3901, LAUNDRY- I Greenleuf 2180 Glencoe 100