graves of sixty-nine service meil buriedon the ground of Great Lakes Naval Training stationi. The request camne too late for publication, and Mr. Becker was compelled to cal upon the Voluniteer service Commit- tee and the Surgicat Dressngý group of bis organizatioti, as well as* memi- bers. of the Wilmette Garden club. for assistance, in relayilig the message bv telephonle. with the assistance. of'the vi-ce- chlairmlail, R'obert WV. Tansil.1 .160i Tenth -. street. geln erous offerings of lilacs. and tulips *ère collected. The off eriiîgs were receive.d by the XV- mette Fire departmient Sundav imorni- ing and placed*in ater., Sunday afternoona truck from the Navy de- partment called for the flom-ers, and tlîey were placed qrn the graves oi war veterans on Mondav mnorting at 8 :30) o'clock. N[r. Beecker expresses the. apjpreciaý tion ,o(f tbu> Red Cross for the co- coperIatkoi receiv-Cd. HEALHCNE Tlie followinlg clinic.s ii be held a tl(ýW Xilrnette Hcalth center duri- în- t11w Coling - eek. I'ilav iliu 4, froml 9 to 12 11o01 Houard school dental clinir xith Dr. Bass.. Miss reen, R. N., ini charge. ()il Saturday inorning. Julie 5, .20' Ilre from lthe t!Chicago 1-uberculosis Ht.,alth cenitur. Tueli aniual lunicehoni and, installa- tioil of officers. of -the Wilmnette Healtît Center wasAheld on Tuesda%. Ma 2.5. The folloxig officers xere. elected for- the vear 1937-193 8 *President, Mrs. George Scherzer. Vice-president, Mrs. R. J. jovce.ý Secretary, NMrs. F. J. Dowd. At the flrst sign. of.illiiess, consuIt agood physician, and take the pre- scription lie orders to a rellable drug- gist. This is the twelfth of a seriça of Editorial Advertisenients appearing in this paper earh week.. (Copyright) IILE AGEI aéra je Why We Cao Mahe This hEag D-X and D-X EtIhy1 motor fe, asm an eclcusive feature, provide sappe ylinder Iubrication-uuake e nes ruui cooler, 4eerease wear, increuse uiléage. Dlauuond 760O, pioncer heat-reslutlug Jau'.soa .We invite you fo ojen, a chartr accoant