Air* Conditioned t Wear, Bradley Knits, This Summer Cool, ýcomfortable, iperfectly styled and many of them washable. -None will Wrinkle, slrink, stretclz or'sag'., E;nsembles,$,'z.75 Up Separate coats to .Match,$.iO75 UP Bradley Kits Exclusively E Lt LIMIAL 565 LINCOLN AVENUE W-INNETK(A for c -o -I pe r'fect ion, ...rare as a day in lune" Wiith camping days jzust aroimd the corner, Girl Scouts umho have been sav~ing tou'ards suMmer vacations coukit their pe; nies and do a littie checking. on their bank accounts. These girls want to be "aiiong those presen t" ti vear, for thlie 100,000 Girl Scouts in camp du ring 1936 set a record which re- siultcd iM z'iting lisis at înany camps, CAMPING ' The camping comimittee this year hopes that every Girl Scout will spend at least two Weeks in an estab- lished camp, and the director will be glad1 to- answer any questions con- cerning camps available and the, ex- pense and operation and require- ments. To live ini the woods,. building a camp fire, securing shelter f rom wind, and weather, finding warmth' and f ood, provides abounding opportunity for good times an.d calis for coopera- tionand self-discipline. .One cannot live in camp wNithout* sharing generously in the business of living, without learning to consider everi, member of the group. If any- one is te, "go without." it imust be sourcefulness. It -should be free f roni unusual unnecessary hazards and should provide facilities for nature study, pioneering, exploring. han di- crafts, and, 'if. possible, swimmning, boating anid canoeing. Medical senr- ièe should be within easy reach. afi4d ani ample supply of safe water inust be available for drinking, culiniary, and personal hygiene purposes. Minimum Stanard The Girl Scouts maintain a ini- imum standard for their ca mps and :most of them are rated niuch above that minimum. Summer camps are more and more recognized as avenues through which real, education mnay reach the child, we are told by M_\iss Ilazel Allen, president of the National Camping association and director of shorts . ew ... in sharkskin.,and Madras pique as Iow os$39, les <way cool in. our air.conditiomed sho>. Mrs. Ostrom, the chairman of our Pose. local camp committee, tells us that SUIl and the ability to see a thifig the ideal camp site is situated as far th rough to it-S destined. endi. If a as practicable from densely settled camp is runi -an ,old-fasion*ed areas, in ordHer to give the caniper school, there is no chance te deelop a sense of independence and 're- initiative and resourcefulness:' I -ipo.I1 tenniss . n