The following Sunday, june 13, the YOLUng musician will play Liszt's "Hungarian - Phantasie". at a. recital to be given at the Woman's Club of Wilrnette by Mr.s. Stade's pupils. Her instructor will present the orchestra ac.cornipaniment at a* second piano. Miss Mitchell, a junior at ' New Trier High school, is a mem6ero the Senior Music club.. This year she played many of the accompaniiments for the .New Trier Gieclub, anîd next vear is to be ac compa.iist' for the high school orchestra.. Her pro- grain iiext 'Wednesday evening iwil be as folIows:, Bouree.......faeh-Saint Seans * Son,ýta Op. 14 No. 1 .....Beethoven Ten Short Preludes........ ... Chopin Jeu d E-u ....I *~ JexdEu...........Rae Hunilgarian Rhapsod3ý No. IIl... Liszt Wilmette !Golf to Hold *Ladies' Day on T uesday \Vilniètte Golf >club held its first ladies' day Tuesday, the occasion featuring. a niine-hole bogey evenlt for classes A, B, C ad D. The win- tiers liit the various classes were as follows:. Class A-Mrs. A. Krick. Chicago. Class B-Mrs. Carl W. Strummnel, Chicago. Class C-Mrs. Arthur E. .Melling, Chicago. Class D- Mfrs. W. W. Echols, Evanston. Tues- *da, Ji- e 8, will be qualifinig dav Il de- breed E. C. Casd Jusf oelvid New Eastman Cameras, from Si to SU6 CINÉ-KODAK FILMS Complete FreèÈh Stock, James K. Caihoun, Jr., 7e40 Green- zood <n'entie, Glencoe, has been ap- Poiltei editor ini chie f of the 1937-8 stliden t dircctory of Northwestern ulîiersty.Mr.. Caihouni, sophornore, lias also been elected jun iior riishing r'&Yfrm;of /is frar#i, Thiea Pl'. RETURN FROM SOUTH 'Mr. andj Mrs. H. W. Kingery of 519 Forest avenue and their son, Hal, returned to Wilmette Friday froni Fort Lauderdale, Fia., where they spent five months. Their son, Jack Kiîîgery of Detroit, visited them dur- Chiampionsip :Tennis. Rfa, Vacuum Packed . 3 for $1.1l5 Zip Géf'Banls....4oS ApxMoth Cake...25e I$1.00, Larvex Moth-Proof. .79C NoriêhSun-Tan Oil .....33c UNGUENTINE.........43c First Aid Kits.. . .. . .si Depondauble Drggïstu. RIDGE AVENUE Coli PHARMACY Wihn.tte 901 Ridir. Road, Corner of L.akoý Av. 316 SNIDERi Lake View Quaity'ý larke$s ore celebrat- SNOW-WHITE, MILK FED LEFJXG O'VEAL et lb. 22.ý lb. 27e NowL-ai Avenue 4 Il ow Lq