'We Belleve in Christ" wUll be the inister's sermon theme next Sunday moriiing at the il o'clock church service. The Sacrament of the Lord'A Supper willl be observed at the close, of the' worship) service..- The music will be as follows: Prelude-.ConIUI1ln...... ... Russeau. Anthém-à-"Considei,,and, É ear Me" ..1ý :... .... .........*. Pfleuger (Offrto Ire, Soio-"Peace Be to * This Hoilse"......... . hilip James. Ethel WiËhover .Postlude>-Chora.le and. Varilations ........... James Rogers Mliss Emily Rpberts-_Orgafll5t -Dtreuetor Ôur Churrh school, convenes. at 9 .3Q every Sunday mnornling., The varlous de- partmeant.5 have excellent. worship and study, perlodS9. The Kindergartelei,.nieet at il o'clock in the ichurch parlor. The Wi-rld Friendship. grouâp meetsln- the, BE'rtha. Wheelock hall- folloiifnrg the dictiîissai of Junier church. Boys and girls 'o! the Primary adJunior. age' are aiw-tys welcoife. The Cozy corner circlie will be entxer- tiiied et the home of Mrs. A. S. Hol- vvay l227 EIiwood avenue, Thi[rsdny, final meeting o! the year with reports of the year. Central circle will be entertalned at the home of Mrs. F. A. Smnith, 729 Elghth street, Fridav, June 4. Abracadabra will have its regular. meeting wlth a spring picnlc Frlday, * June 4th et 6:30 p. nm. * The botrd o! truste es will hold lts, regular monthlyý meeting next Monday, evening, June 7th at 7:30 inthfe church * parlor. S.unday, .ine 13. wiil be Coli, e" ment Day for ail. the .departfleflt.,of <oui. Chur.ch school. This will be. t Uni.'rî erieat il o'clock in the <hîe auditorium. Friends, parents and al Ciauic-h school members are iflvited. The Rlex. Mr. Hindley continues, ont. spring preaching programi on the ge-n- eral' the.Jne, "Wha't We Now Beicvê.- We cordiaily invite you to take all- vantage of the following excellent mes- sagtcs: June 13-'"We Believe in, Childhood- to- worshýip W-ith usB. The music for the morning worship serv :ice xiii be as !ollows: prélude, "Noc- turne," .Mendlssohn; anthei, "O For. the Wings of a Dove," ýMendelssohn,, Miss Dorothy Rae and the choir; solo, -~Lord God of Abrahani," (Elijah),ý Mendelssohn, Edward Oris, soloist* postlude, 'March" .(Athalie) Mendeis-I sohn. The Stinday'school will meet at 9 :0 o'cioék i ali epartments. The Aduit Beible class xii eet for study at 10 o'clock. The pres .ent1 series of lessons is on The Book,0f Revelation. The, lass invités you to join in the study of this book. junior churchi will care -for the chul- dren during the worshlp service.' There will. be no meeting of t.he Tuxcis club, the meetings having beenl discon- tinued for the summer. The session of the church xvii nwvt Monday evening at the churcfi at S o'clock. The Boy Scouts xiii niet Mna evening. The Girl Scouts xviii ineet W~ednesday evening. There v111 be no iiidxtvteek sevicu thiýs week. bined lservice of chuI>ttch 511a(1 scliol at 10':30 o'c lock. Churcb services and Sumda> School xiii be continuIed.thî'ough tuhe sumilner as utiual. The G rac.e E;gei'.\.npîiiplîe organ is being îîîsuilied- ni the uhuirch by the Hll orgailn opziy. AI ail t'a ly datte anfllounicemillIoi L S eictllxvi be made. Tht' Chancel l'uraîturIIe is also 1Icnig mnade and wiul be leduacted nlutlit. ileill future.,* pianned o rr atiu1uy, The Woiiiîan's society, holds: its neXt meeting on Friday afternon, June 11, wlth the. themie1 "Colilradeshili along the Organizatiflal mee étings of newly elected boa ifds will be held as foII0owS: Deacons. Monday, June 7. ReligliUs Educatioi., Wed 1 esday, June 9. and Truteesi, Monday , June 14. AUl of the-5e meetings will be held at the chux ch. English Lutheran Sevent'b'.gb-eett a reenleaf ".A1 House of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele. pastor ST'I<UA YSIERVICES C'h u rh schooll................ 945 a. ni. morning wo rship........ ...... Il a. m -Junior Luther league._ . 3 P. ini. The music foi- the. service of worship next Sundayv morning is as followsý Organ piude ..Leverle.....Luigifli Anitheim-HTo. very One That Thirsteth ... ..ý.. . 1 M artin Theenioir Choir: \ nhen---hOUShalt 1,ove the' Lord The Junior Choir P0stl (e-" Allegro Vivace,"Sml.i .. . widor Victoria McTeod-MiiStrY 'o! Muisic The Woman's society will mneet on Thursday. afternoOo!.o this week et tbc, church at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Stai k wîll presetit the topic, Mrs. William Lind- berg will have the Qulz and Mrs. Hlopp and lr. eller xii be the hoste,ýs-. The Senior choir will rehearse 4on Thurisday- evening at 7 :30 'cioc-k.. id Ouir scflOOl. Next Sundastý morning, The, Second Sundoy after Trinity., the meditation xiii be based on the Elpistle Leýsson for - the day, 1 John 3 :1.-18. We invite you fo worshilp xVit-h tis. The Junior' Luther league will -me onl Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tihe toii will be presented by Willia.nMer kie. We invite al- the young people of high school age to attend our meeting. On Tuesday evening. Jjine.8 the Sexýniir The Intermediate Epworth league mieets eaeh Sunday evening at 5 :15 oclock. Theta Upsilon Rho, for- the senior Young p)eople, will mueet Sunlday evening at 5 :30,.O'clock. The annual meeting of the.Woimaniis Home MissionarY society of Rock River, Conference will, be held at the Ravêmels-' wood Methodist church on Wednesday, June 9, beginnlng at.10 o'clock lii thé n4orning. Any women *wishing to attend will ulease give their. reservations, to M re. Roy S. Lundin, Wilmette 2462. The Womnan's Missionary ;o(.Iel yof thLs church wvillmeet Thursday, .Junltlt 10, at 1:30 o'clock at the churc-h. M.% .. W. M itchell. wilIlead the devot ionis. Yeaiy reports5 will be maide and the newly elected officers xvii l» mnisti ld. ('hildren's t)ay xiii h... 'il urvéci in this chuirh on .une 20.. (;»il 1scout troop One '.hl lave, il,, last reguiiir iieetihg of thesvon ,thiW xxeek. Ilt xiii be iii the fori of an *'x r '1iight*' at Cant Ctx. cars -wiI lesivê the chrhon Friday , 'at 4:45 <'co a nd xii return around -, o'cloclkon Saturday. 'lhle anniil meeting of theWonn (Gii]ld wjll be held Thursday (td - at the ehuivch. A l'oi)iimientaryv lunc(heoný is being seved at 1 o'clock. The installa- tion of officers takes piarfe in theý after- 11o0n. The Goodwiii Truck sýtops at the hurch office on Fridays tîîL k ii) calis. 'j 30 .m.~unayschiiol and il classes. 10 :40) j.jj.- 1'rprtr evl Jloly Comnmunion. ila.n-Scodservie, xvith lHoly, Ladlies' Adtoday. ncheoil at i1.1).111. Junior Walthler league,ý xith ptIlc Dr. Herbert L. Wiilett, niiiilster 'cnurcfl wfetfler members ofthte clasa or 1unfertory Antnemn: * xiii e announced iîext Nveuk. pot, are cordially in.vited to attend. It "Path of Prayer" -........ Voris The Children's Day services xii be il t 0e xery informai, with gamies, fel- Organ Postlude: "Coîne, and let os returii unto the he4d Sunday morninz, .une, 6. in the ' wshp and r ef r e shine n ts. Alfred "Marche Pontificale". de la Tomibelie Lord." vhurçh gyninasîum et 10 o'clock . This À-eernes is elass president. - will be the final meeting of ihe Sunday - There is a nursery where parents mnay .Schoeol for- the season. The parents are The junior, choir xiii réhear-se f or its leave smnall children during -the worship)St A ugusti-ne invited to - his mervice; a' nSna' evc i hi lsn evc. partin Snda's srvic inthei cloingServce.N. Sunday, June 6,jxviii be the se c- * The, final Services o! the church. for. î«ebearsa"l Saturday miorning et 9:30. Ail d.Sunday, after Trinity and the first the. season wiii be held Sunday îno0rninig, xiremibers are urged to be on hand., Pro- The Church school ýs beld $unday Sunday o! the month. There wilbe. Holy June 13. at Iil o'clock. . cessional,, hymna, and the . antheni mornings at 9 :30 o'clock. Thomas H..Cnmno t8am. hrhsho n I