$3950 bol *u~~m* Km.ws for Ut. Luxaleus C.uf.rt ~ad S.vvls* - De.psIeep Maltress and Box SpringI loc30 Aufoib exceptionaI velu........... mýflc SlumberKing Mottress enid box Spring 545 Aoo ~ dInv.sfment et a minimum .,st .......oc-5 Lo ur rep..soua.f v. coUlsatMat your sprlag en0o4 uftr.ss wII bu proporly Otted. start promptly at la.. m. The Senior meet for the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will start at 1:3 P. M. The junior meet will include: the 4O-yard dash and standing broad jump. The. Senior ineet will include the 50-yard dalsh, *runn ing broad jump, running high jump and shuttie relay races. The' officials for the day will be J. R. Harper, honorar y referee;, Daniel M. Davyis,..referee: .Ray Entyre, starter; Dorothy Moon, Gladys Wood,. awarders. H. Jenikins, F. Wagner and F. Nelson, scorers; Glen' Gathercoal1, Gertrude Fanck- boiier and Janet Brown, clerks. Dor,- rance. Nygaard, announcer; L.- F. Todd, -L. F.. Murphy, NI. L. Replogle. Joseph, Cacco, George Savage, Ever- ett Saunders, V. Waite, James Robr- er and R. Gooch, jtidges; Dorothv Davis, Dick Huck and Joseph Sacco, timiers. The Central-Laurel P. T. A. will sell refreshments, the proceeds of: which will go toward the cost of niedals. T[he uleet was -nip and tuck ail the way and the last event, the pole 'vault, decided the meet. Up to this point the score was ied' at 69.' Lee Mitchell of Howard won the event, giving Howard a 2-point advantage. The events and winners, were as fol- lows: .hJm Peewees-1st, place,, Harold Buzan- Stolp;- 2nd* place, Robert Mann-Stolp. Distance-4 ft. 2 In. Lightweghts--st place,, Jack McQie -Stolp; 2nd place, John Bauer....Howard and Jack Be nson-Howard tied. Distance -4, ft. 9ln. Heavywights-lst place, Dexter Ben- son-floward; 2nd place, Charles Ceder- berg-HoWard; 3rd place, Lee Mitchell- Howard. Distance-4 ft. 9 ln. IBroad Jimp Peewee--lot, place, John :Mllhope- Stolp; -2nd place, Warren' Hill-Stolp; 3rd place, Allen Thompson--Howard.ý Distance-15 ft. 311n.: Lightweghts-1'st place, Bob Dodds- Howard; 2nd place', Jack Benson-How- ard, rd placeJack MeQue-S.ttp. Distance-16 ft. 10 ln. Heavywelghts-lst place, Dexter Ben- .,on-Howard; 2nd place,. Charles Cede-r- berg-Howard., Distance-16 ft. 7 ln. Pole Vauit Lightweghts-1st place-John Brandt -Stolp. Distance-f6 ft. Heavyweights-1st place, Lee Mitchell. -Howard, 2nd place, Bob. Canning- Stolp. Distance-7 ft. 6 in. Jlurdies Peewees-1st place, Bruce Smith - Stolp; 2nd place, Hàrold Buzan-Stolp;' 3rd place, Bob Mann-Stolp. Time 9.5. opefl& i ts second season NovemOer 1 and ôver 24,000 have participated in the activities which have included handcraft, knitting, dramatics, free piano lessons, tap dancing, square dances, folk dances, social dancing, table tennis, and leathercraft. Sorne of' the oi ut on by the C aif. Daniel M. I events Center .ctor of SNorth 50 Yard 1D.asb Peewee-lst place, John Mehope- Stolp; 2nd place, Bruce Snith-Sto)lp: 3rd place, Warren HiII-Stolp. Time- 6.5. .Lightwe.ights-lst place, Lewis Travi- -Howard; 2nd plaýce, John Brandt- Sýtolp: Srd place. Dick Idler-Stolln. Tiim-e -6.6. Heavyweights..lst place, Lee 'Mitchell -Howard; 2nd place, John Hlughes - Howard, 3rd place, Dave Walm-orth- Howard. TMme-6.6. 75 Tard Dash Peewees-lst place, John NMetrope- Stoli), 2nd npe.Alleni Thonmso- H'ENRY C. LYTTON SC5 O.rriugto.an.d Cbarcl-EVANSTON h.,Open Tuesday, Tlaursday and Saturday- Even ings Mr. and Mms H. C. Carroil of 504 -Fifth street had as their house guests Iast week-end. .Mr. and Mrs. -A. M. Young of Springfield,.111. RETLJRNS FROM NEW YQRK James C. Shepherd, 315 Four- teenth, street, has recently returned. f romn a ten-day business trip té New York city.