4. Wýioetka 51 Wihnette 402 Lie..A ve. Wilmette .151 Chicago 1508 Jarvis Ave. 3959 Breuiàwy Rogers Park 01 18Duckingboui 2000 Richelieu Jellies Brden's h m hes eeoaoCockt ai Clear, sparkling, colorful glasses fpuesetgo- 1 spreads gr sices equally weII-ýFîne for ness, Js the pure* fruit. and sugar-Truly, botter sandwiches. plain o r toasted, souffles 'and "Ts e iDee.e +han, ho me;mnadeý. Put up in, tO-ex. glasses- noodie rinqs- 1 6oz. pkg.- GRAPE, RED RASPBERRY, fr - '"" P r ... lsperf.ctly blendeci and. tastUly MI1NT-6 for 1.00- L J PýrC Ho. seasoned. Chili and serve as an ap- 3 lunch-uis r uris an tip RE URRANT, 9I r c o bsuisormffn adbipre, clear C petizer before all.>meal-I STRAWBERRY6 eon-2 are , 16-oN. lar-5 forj..O- 26. oz. jr- f,-ilhled Traiýinat)C~t Frolod gaIrinion - Presh' Spina--li NwPotatoes in Creamn Xatercres - Rd~ Red Ra.-pberries 94c Pork S;ausage Links flaked tPotatoes Broiled Tomatoe.s Wate'rcre'ss Saladl illubarl) Pie - Chateau Chetesè Fresh Splnach - New Potatoes Watercress and Radish Salad Freshi Rhubarb Sauce 92c NO-ffRub: Shoe White Guarant.ed not fo rub off or your money gladty refunded- 23C RIB ROAST 0F BEEF Delciously tender, SI 37ç' Large lb 3,u SIRLOIN STEAK SLICED BACON Fried liver and bacon. is a favorite com- bination and bacon -foi, breakfast is always welcome- I7 1/2.Ib. pkg.- PORK SAUSAGE LINKS Fry to e goldien brown or cook FRESH SPINACH Tender, tasty Ieaves-Cook with very littie lwater and flavor with chopped onion - - peck- i13c RADISIfIS Fresh, crisp, delicoôus springlike dash of color- WATERCRESS and. always a bun Ches I oc Winnetka 51 No Carrying t. Do We DeIiver to You Rogers Park 0118 Býuckinghom 2000 JUNE 3, 19.37 Ecoomial nd ppetizing Menu Sggestionis (Prices based on Service for, Fouir> Birds'Eye Prosted, Foods ,;on Sale Here. 1' I