on Sale Until Séturday Nigkt JUIc' FLORIDA VALENý\CIA .ORANGES12umb. ..Doz.39c FIItM, YELLOW, RIPE -NEW CROP HOME-G-ROW'N SPINACH...3 10.C THE ARISTOCRAT 0Fý SALADS, CALAVOS J mbo ..2fo29 NEW CROP FREÉÎH TENÊýStE CADBAGE. ..0 0'a. 3 b.s1 Oci SELECTEDINEW YELLOW o,.bous 0 .0.0 a a .0.a..3 I1* oc Effective next, Wednesday, j'En. 9, aind every Wednesday therýeafter,. we will close at 12:00 noon. This deci- sion was macle after tallying your votes of the past few* weêes Over 9"0 of these votes were in f avorý of the employees' haîf holiday. You have made, this employees' half holi- day possible. JEWEL EMPLOYEES' HALF -HOLIDAY W. believe you were .incer. i dv o. JUBO 5 0-0z No. 21 C"s PADS à Pkgu. 1(Se * .jumbo S fc I Store lHours:I Mon.Fri: 8a.~.-6 pmn-Satuirday: 8 &.m. 7p.. I..... b6ox 25c IES .......box 25C PERCH .box 19c JUNE 3, 1937 a