Theatrical, Studio The Dramatic Art students 01 Mallinckrodt High school, under. the direction of Miss lanette Brennanl 'aov)of Eva,&toin, will a~pear in a lunie recital to be given in the -,*c4ool auditorium oit the even#g of lune 6. Pour short comedies: "Wiiiiieg Ways," "Maid Service," "PuirPie Doorkno b," and "Bain- booazeldyke Chair";- one French Revolution tragedy, 'As M-c-Tum- brils Pass"; several readings, and other iteresting features ziil be The cast includes the foilowing: LHausclier. Alyce Neubar, M. Clanicy,. ydia t$oeclier, Caroî iBrand, Rita, Biais,'Anna M. Hoffeit, Dolores Dreyer, Harriett Camneron, Josephine George, Geraldine Riessier, Mary L. Miller, Ruth Moran, Lois Schuetz, Rosemary Roney; Miss Clare Barker at the piano. Hostesses for the occasion will be: Dorothy Beinlich, Anna Marie Scham- bony, and Mildred Seul. Stage crew: Dorothy Klein, Betty Holden, Helen Curran, and Margaret M. Duffy. SECOND FLOOR, Clever Sun bat in w a ah a b10 uileloth. Open top crown--widé floppy brini..Gorgeouus c olIo r combinationfi. Activ P+<ysuit in - w as h abl1.e sailcloth. with bright Mexrican- type applique at -the, front. R o 9 e, maize, aqua. 8 to 16. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Lampre>t of 730 Waihington avenue and their- daughter, Susan, rnotored to Godfrey, IIi., last week-end to bring their daughter, Jane, home from Monti- cello coflege.