bills wnîcn were. on second reading. For the information of. those flot * fainiliar; with legisiative procedure. second reading is the stage when amendmnents are. offered and acted nd this week the meeting was can- -elled. Several arnendments will bel ffered which wouild restore the bill uiponi by the entire 1-ouse or Senate L H umii.ric twsito The onily time other than second read: (lu1cedl in the Senate. It, is understood. ing %vhen bis can be.aede that the Governor believes that the commtteehearngs. . Iloard should be more than a fact- Tie: sessions have been- shortenedfid*gndromedgbdyTh question: of bow niuch power the bothi weeks because of deaths,. the 1or hudpseshsbe h ssmiadurngon Tuesday 0f subj éct of. disagreement between- this eek so-that memfbers mnighit at- sclio ol boards ini local comnimunities, tend the fune râl services of ex-G;ov-adciigru. elor1)nn.Senate Bis 147-148 and 149 are The 'printed calendgr, whiclî is stillinii the Senate. The key bil, No. placed on the d.esks of the mienibers' 147 iiincreasesi the State School Dis- cuacli morning of the Session, is grow%%- tributive fiid from 13 million, dollarst ing longer and the officiai adjourui- atnnuallv to 29 million dollars. Joi the ment date of July 1 drawvs nearer.1 House- wheni an effort was miade to Foôrtùnîate_ arc those members wliose override the (G.overnoar's veto of, House billi have l)cef pass ed..or are at .leas.t Bill No. 153 (emergency aid for highi ontt of 'conmittees and. on the calen-ý scliools) the ,roll cali feil far short off dar. the necessary 102 votes. One of the :The Ho(use on Monday 'nighit* re- reasons for the veto' as given in the it-svlf over the previous wei-k Governor's message was the lack of whe~n the- Mtor Drivers License ih ifiti4s for the~'798, 872' appropriationi %%a,, ruconsidered. On the seconmd rolattachied to House Bill No. 153. The eail the administration ivas gîven to thv Iighway department. This ac- tion ~a favorable to theGoeor wiurew, the vote of the previotis weGive 1'out ýg ttheti administration to the Sc -ta.rx- of Statu. Matters were further1 L g ff K coiîlicated for this piece of legisla-,. L A ViI LU ji ti)ui when the Senate on Tuiesday, j a"u flict Benu soli- Menges Billwlu ichl j>r~ ie~for administration of' the . 1)i~sLiccnse l)y the Secretary of W W.UU3KI1 state.. Thé bill carrnes no examina- 11u prvdusadn es nti. Set with Peacock blue-whitE Houl~e Bill a fee of fifty cents for ' esq;kydsl~s r thnree -xears is specified. An amecnd- ysqik dtngshfo meunt proposed by Represenitativet stones. Newest mountings .Sclmackenberg wvas adoptv.d which platinum andy lowvered the fees for inors totwî tv-five cents. The battle will bu. re- iewed ini the House over the Seniate Ton Dir 13il al)d inaniv.are predicting a coin- proin 1i.-ýe inii which the Secretarv kif St-atu. willadminister the license and thé Pfigh-wav Department will cenforceý Ail of Tuesday. was takenti tmp . b the. discussion of the Insurance Codeý (M Second Reading. A. long. ist of dollars are awarded each year to students competing in, English, Latin, and declamation and oratory. Thei declamation contcst. is open only to freshmen and sophomores, while.only ju .ni.o rs, and seniors are eligible for, the oratorial contest. N'.1orrinigton is a seniior at. Lake For- est and has been prominent in speech and dramnatic work, having won. the. conttest last, year., He is *also a mnem- berý of the Garrick club, and has taken part ini several Garrick, productions this year., including -"Good News," musical comnedy presented May 19 and 20. 111 tueè declamaàtion division, Ruth Marie1 Oshiortu of Libertyville, won first place with her interpretation of« a. cutting from Ibsen's "Ghosts." question is u-here is the $16,000,O0{ increase coming f rom if the Oovernor says funds are lacking for the $798,872. r Bride a IJIAMONII G6 RING ýe Diamonds which younq Dm the comrnon. brownisI, s' of 10 per cent iridium yel1low gol1d. mmonds 14K yeflow qold 70 ecoea 20»iW9 .02 a*gat .Qah 10%~ Iridium PJlslinum and, four oIher oards 1'otaling .$150 le ;oVUtl ar Park on th( parents w met today ýo.- thé flfte will be the-subject at tne services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in .Wilmnette Sunday morning, June 6, at Il o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003>I Central avenue. Sunday' school con- vemies at 9:45 o'clock. L ANNIVERSARY IN CHICAGO* 18571957. UNIversity 89 Exclusive Coptes t Phot. grab.