rby Tuesday aooa t. Le i tOmo TÀ %SLDIÊR Soldier, we did flot know you in life, nor do we know you in death. We know flot in what cerne- tery you are awaitifig the resurrection, inorunder .*which «'little green tçnt" you are sleepfing. What we do know is that when the cali came for flow-. ers with wbicb to decotrate your last restilg place we responded gladly, grateful that nature hadi provided us with the bloomfs to give. And as we searcbed each bushý and snowy vine for the fairest blossomas they, could yield, there camne, visions of you as you were that, day when you marched awrav to war, fired with the ze.al to do your, bit in, dé- fense of home and country. Warin upon your lips was a niother's hoIy-kiss, and ringitig in your ears wCre the plaudits of friends and neighbors who had gathered to gay "goodbye and good luck." It was wel! that a kind Providence had held themi and you, in ignorance of what was to corne, al- though you would flot for one instant have fal- tered, nor for any price would you have turned. back. Soldier, the stor.y of your expérience.s have been too Qftefl told to be repeated. Wbat we want you to know is that another story, that of gratitude for the great part you have plaved gave your all continues to hve. That, soldier, is why, as we culled the hlossoms which were to. transiently beautify- -your final, eartbly home, we bad visions and hopes and dreame-visions of you as .you once were; hope that the sweet fragrance of the flowers might reach you somewbere and forever displace in yornostrils the odor of powder and poison gas:, dreams of a world at peace, a world in whicb there will be neither war nor runiors' of war. a world in which man's inhumanity to man will for the trip. uad wasnec the -car, snot a, xew drops of grease he.re and there, filted the crankç case axnd gas tank, and wondered why in heck zuother didn't have the baskets and the kids ready. Finally started, a couple of bours later than they expected. Dad swore at lot becauise the ýtraf - ýabIJLI. N.nntllc ucisafl 1afl35V.V. T Lit til *t usual privacy of a boudoir. Sanitary accommio- dations nit.. Table a patch of grassless ground, filtby with the decomposing remnants left by for- mer lunchers. Food covered with flues and ants and spiders; teo1say nothing of the dust kicked up broping youngstes Seething, swveating, jab- bering, quarreling humanity ail about. But 'it was a glorions picnic. THE WEEiD CAMPAIGN. The state department of. agriculture is pro- ,moting.a* campaign for the extermination of noxi-, ous weeds from farmn and, urban properties. throughout. the state. [t is 'on e of the activities of that departmfent which should receivefnot only the bighest commendation, but the most eff.ective co-; operation possible for citizens t ive White the propagation of weeds may be on a larger scale, in the country t,1han in cities and townts, it must he said that residents of the latter are more ca4reless and 4ess persistent ini eradication efforts than are the farmers. It is no unusualsight to sec a vacant city lot witb a rank growtb of thisties, dandelion, plantain and other noxious vegetation 'which bas the potential power to seed wide areas ifnot cut(out and destroyed. There is small encouragement for the man witb a 5Odoot estate to spend hours and' hours laboriously cut-- ting oût each offending plant if the owner of the adjoining lot is permitted te mature enough seed te insure another bumper crop the following tive in cooperating witb the departmnt of .agri- culture in its campaign. True, it means a lot of work, but the results to owner and neighbors are worth ail tbey cost. As for non-resident and resi- dent owners of vacant properties who permit theni to become seeding spots for wide surround- ing areas, some way should be found to compel cooperation. A village beautiful cannot be attained %â'ile such blemishes upon the landscape continue. If the union is peruitted to set1 itself ù p as a judge o-f wbat rents may be asked of its meni- bers what assurance is there that it will stop witb tbat ? No wonder Pontiac is beginniing to ask itself the question-collective bargaining, or:collective bludgeoning? dent. The leadership in this house hic overthrown. Our. ternpers are sucha atmosphere iSs s violent that reabonabj lation is impossi ble. We are badly split sonable legisiation 1 Can, you beat that? Rea- A couple of Indiana saps have started out to out-Dillinger Dillinger.' And they will wind uIp in the usual way-full of G-men's lead. "Better late, tban neyer," as' thé old adage goes. Onie>1 of the fa mous Mayo brothers' said recently-in tlW-RIZarian Magazine:- "To live bappily, wben retired, we must devlop earlier in life aa.,àv0- catioi,ý to maintain our inter- est in life. Sncb outsidelines of thought and diversioti'are the more successful. when. they, bring us into contact with nature -birds, gardens, geology and the like." Thanksi for the hitnt, docto 1r. And while it is somewbat late, as you reckon the time, we have taken up tbe study of birds.L And it would surprise even you, doctor, to know bow many different specie!, there are, and how peculiar tbe habits of some of them. One of the comnionest in this latitude, is the bird wbô owns a dog, and figures that the simple fact of .ownership justifies bim in per- mitting the beast to roam his neigbbor's flower them in Captivity, andi gives them unrestrictçd range of the entire neighborbood. And then. there is the New Dealer ' the queerest of alf queer birds, who cati think up multitudinous plan,, for bringing about tbe xillenniumn but flot even one plan that will work. Wbat a relief it is to turn attention from thèse to the cbeerv. chat-, tery wrens, the brown thrasbers, the screaming kilîdeers, the crying nightbawks, the musical Meadow larks, the brilliant tanagers, the aristo- cratic cardinals. the colorful orioles and others The habit of spending'seetns to have grown upon cettain UXnited States senators to the point where they canet stop, Spending, that is, of other people's mncney. R-ow indignant tbey were a year and more ago when told tha themnetoud' Possibly last forever! emoe oud' Trn, PiuANTouX PQRTI uufl r" -hthe e< the, UIwmL iNUS.