1; guests Of Mr. M. C. Springér- th is week. .On Monday evening the local coun- cil of the'Ro al Arcanumi entertained quiite a delegation Of visiting brethren, frorn Highland Park. Mr., William M. Springer, of Oska- loosa, Iowa, enrouteto France, made a brief ývisit to bis brother, Mr.. M.' C. Springer, the past weelc M fiss Sadie Broadwell of C hicago %was the, guest of Miss Fannie Latham during the past Week. 0 'Thýarsday evening, a ,Congrega- tional sociable was held. at the' resid- ence Of Mr. H. B.,. Gates. wt~as faifr yattended. The Rev. Richard Hanéy, D. D., and bis soný, the Rev. J. W. Haney, ofithe Central Illinois Methodist Con- ference, called on friends here last week. The Village board has ievied special assessments for sidewalks on Walnut street and Oak street. :Mr. Blunt gave a picnic to the school children on hi, 8iuunds the o ther day. At the meeting of the Village trustees last Thursday night a pe- tition was presented asking for the boulevarding of Lake avenue, and the change of its name to Sheridan od.It received unan imous ln- Winnetka Mr. Horace Capron visited in Chi*- cago durifïg the week. Mr. John McConnell, of. Lake Mr.' , pent Sunday with friends here-. 11r.William M. Hoyt and family, of Chicago, were in town last week. .Master Lee Chapnian of Evanston spent a few days here with his friend. Guy Windes, iast week.~ e- v.-J.H.ëNlson of -Biazil preach- ed in~ the Congregatioflal church last Sunday. Misses Ger trucle Ruel and Marion Hawkes received diplomas for ex- cçllence in.scholarsl'ip at the public school. ,- 1. ; The Highland Park council of the' Royl Arcanum visied t.irbreth-. I KNOW IT'S LAIT. UT I'M GIAP YOUCALLV1~ a. w JUST T*IE SAML~b ILLINIOIS BELL TELEPHONE -COMPANY