guests partîcipating in the holiday célebration. Reservations for the opening din- ner numbered 180, .and the dancing following was to the strains of -a twelveé-piece. orchestra.. Red, white, and blue penciIs at'each plate wre in, recognition of Memôorial day.. Sunday the course was dottedl with playerts1, about .,one ..hundred women, enjoying-- the links, and . on Monday seventy-five ferninine -golf ers were playing. A. large n umbe r of rnmem - bers :and guest-s -had' dinner at the club Sunday, and quite a representa-, tion' dined there Monday as well. Tuesday of this week was the first- of the -regular weekly golf days for- women of the club, the prizes being awarded for second, sixth, and tenth low gross scores. Ms Marjorie In- gram won second low gross,, Mrs. jean Kincaid, sixth, -Miss Margaret. Cürtis, tenth. Thirty golfers were on, the cou~rse, remaifiing for luncheon. Phi Betes to End Season on June 7 The North Shore Aluimnae of Phi Beta will hold the last meeting of this season at the homne of 'Miss jessie Robinson, 1026 Ashland avenue, Wl. Matsuo ÊPhoto Miss Betty. Willmnarth of -Omnaha,, Neb. became the bride, of Leonzard S'. Schmité,, son of Dr. alid 'Mrs. M. L. Schmitz of IGlencoe, on Satur- day,, May 22, iet Gleencoe*. Northern Wisconsin woos the destination of the bride and bridegroomt for their weddiing trnP. Cradie Patio Opens The openiing of the Cradie Patio,. 2045 Ridge avenue, Evanston, .Wed- nesday, Julie 2, is an-nouniced by .the Cradie sociéty of Evanston. Lunch- mois are to be served daily during the sunier in the Cradie garden, to lielp finance.the vNork of this organization. who made ber guests'fëeel very much at home. .Before returning from Fairmont, tomrorrow;, for the summer vacation-. Miss" McNulty is 1spending several dayg at the United, States Naval. academy at. Annapolis this week at- tending the festivities *of June week with a àParty of other girls fronm eastern schools. Circle,.Officers M iss. Florenace,.Btzw as eiected chairman of the North End circle* of theý Wilmette C ongregatienal church at the luncheon, and mieetinig. held Monday, .%MayI24, at the, home Mi Mris. W. Wallace Kerr, '707 Forest avenue, Qther »ew . fficers Qfthe- group are: Mrs. C. L. Banker, vice- chairman; Mrs. Walter T. Maughan treasurer; Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline recording secretary, and Mrs. Oscar Townsend, corresponding secretary. Edward SnyIder, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Snyder, 1615 Elmwood avenue, returns home Thursday of next week from Purdue university. (iSavtkenware Fineold engravinos ing the national twenty-flftl anni- versary convention in 'St. Louis in june. Miss Virginia Nelson of Glen- coe, secretary of the North Shore A1umnae club of Phi Beta, iil be sent as1 officiai, deIýgates to the con- vention. At College Club patterns from 'England, Sweden and Denmark- Dinner plates in "Oild ý,Chinese,""the ruby lustre patterni shown above, former Eugeni ter of Mrs. Jo idan road, iGI WilMette is granidfather. hn J.. Moore, 4i ncoe, KarI . the, baby'.s King ot paterfial ........... .......... .......... .........