ver succsluiscason of ballet andj tap dancing and thle a,ýsociatiôî ivishcs to express tlianks to-%, at 7 o'clock. Dr. Lane of ~vsenuniver Sity anid the scoos il e h seae...... - ve weeks in Wilmette as guests of SCI0 is\ýPlbc hespakr.Herbel, dd Henderson, Harold Dr. and Mrs. Emil A. Aniderson of Jules Ilerbuv eaux, da ncilng , c hairim aî _ _ __ _ __ _ __ o iter, Mlarcelleîie S norf, F ra c s 8 7 Li d n a e ue h l n h i e for her service. *Mrs. lHerbuiveaux yraceis7one aenewhlfromei r- Nisiand Donald and Robert Neu -tun Cifna devoted a great deal oif tirne and( GUESTS FROM NEW YORK ' kranz.,tr omCairn othes. effort. to thc classe's. Mr. and Mrs. A. E.,Klunder,, 909 __________ Chestiut averiue, have recently had as their, guests Mrs.- Klunder's VISIT MOTHER 'HEREý Whai butter is mode 'of melmbers of the executive,ý board brother-inî-aw and sister, Mr. and Mr.auaLMois11Thtenh cam fm fbrui- enoe avr dlgitu uc 0~o M rs. G. A. Van Brunt of New York. street, had, as her guests for Decora- and afternoon at the homneofMs Mr. Van Brunt camxe to Chicag ntonDywe-edhrsn and fesfed herds?, See inside Henry Drucker, 11'25* Mohawk road, aà business trip a nd was accompaniied daughter,. Mr. and Mis'. H-arry Hl. bc ae .Wdnsdy ftrnon My 6.Thiis. by his ie Menshing from Davenport, Iowa. --une Sav ~Jbgpurcasing eoupon books in advane! Eacli book of 20 cou. pons çosts $100 *ioch coupon is gooçi for ad- mission to the. park or for a reserved seat for any regu. lar performance. Coupons .trans-. fera bi. und :qood for oany performance.. ORDER THROUGH YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE Coupon'bo oks also on soie at Ieading North Shore Banks P4,ricia MýéD-erffidtt,