STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGES 'IN CONNECTION Operated on.the, American Plan New thà yeari-the finest two-room, cottage in Northern Wisconsin. Field Stone 6ireplaces . in every cottage, al"o coaupIete bath. Fine sandy bathing beach. Tennis and fisIing.. -Wpu drful4ooi,. Special menus for çbildgwn. Our own Golf Course compares favorably withtJ your Hlomle Club. Large lient Gr.eeus, Rolling. F'airways, Course Mi Top Notchi Condition ThIrougIo(ut Scasoni, .Caddies always available. Make Yoùr -Reser-vatioiis Early AN IDEAL PLACE FOR YOU AND YO1JR FAMILIY RESTRICITED CLIENTELA' I Moderate Rat>~ E.. fislManager inCnts towards the Pacifie Coast by noLU '34 1viaLislee, Y.L. wav of the Caiadian Roçkies and Jas- fJosebo Camp is, conducted under per National Paurk, andi on tu Alaska, thie personal, direction cf Rogr tjiire is also a g-rowing initerest in] al- 'Sklippejr" Hîli. he--adiniaster o; th ex(ietours ico points in E,-astern Td col C:aniada and New England. These.tour.s T-b-cm eaue achtinn enable, ai intending travelller to prop- sa ig xtne rp nbre erly vestixnate the cyst of bis holidai, and ac r liv cne reps n ude i for that reason greatly apeal to per- the hroad1 programn of ýthe camp.,Orle sons hs holid4ay tîme is limited. lMr. of- the . enuine thrills. for the boys~ Chuwn. also reports. that a series. of is. living, aboard the camp. cruiser. tours' have beenî organized by- the Eurpca ofice oftheGrad Tunk navigating strange waters .and nosmn.L Canadian National railm'avs which per- it e ot.Alo h sad mitth trvele tolad Caadanan d harbors of upper L-ake -Michigan at are visited. port and:sailfrom a United States port,'T. amwthis.bcgoudi or vice versa., hscmwt tsb.,gono 2f) vea rs of activitv. is unexcelled TIDS AFET TMEA1~ES both fronri the standpoint of program and, eçcellenice of equipment. Aug- Timetables for the ferry service oper- tmiiitng. the mwater sports art dra- ating across ýMinàs Basin in, Nova1iac and general. sports programs. Scotia from Parrsboro to, Kingsport, and as welascreative activities. AIl t hi~ Wolfyille miust. be shiftcd every rnonth.ifor ne inclusive. moderate rate. It because (if. the tidus, reports 'the cur-tinvites âge groups from .6 to .12, and rent issue of the Canadian National 13 to' 17. Railwvays Magazine. The highest tides __________ inthe t&vrorld, Over ffty feet, oçcur at the head of the, basini and as the rise BOA4T AND MOTOR TRIP and fall of these tides vary froni day J{oward 'Figg of 713 Greeniwood to day and the ferries, operate'on the [ avenue, Wilrnette, and Iiis roomi- tides a iiew timectable miust be prepared mate- at Dartniouth college, Gross every iliouith. These tides form lbut one Williamsý of Wjnnetka, are exjyected. of the numnerouis attractionis whicli add home Thursdav of next xveek: Thcýv ilieir appeal to thec scenic beauties Of this are- driving to Bufalo. and taking a. 1Easte'ri section of Canada known as the lake steamner from Euffalo 'to De- Miaritime because of their extenie1to, and motoring the rest of the. ,cat hore Ihue. Iway. PAIRTS - GJLA - HOUSEWARE BIDERS' AND CONTRACTORS' SUPPLIES Quality Merchandise at Right Prioes - Get Our Estimate Roofing--Gu tters-Spouts--Sheet Metal Work Repairing - Cleaning - Painting LaWn MoWero- Sharpenlng & Repairlng mi" DQw't Le:t lAis Happen tb You Ice Corner Saréders andi Techny R oasis i191 1c LarigirPari Ave. 01* FVilnsej Ce io the rom t er k P. 183-184 I