Sales Activity, Nýorth Evanston will shloitl\ý becolme the tenter of the bîiggeýst Conlcetrat- ed 'i taI estate and buildling actîuitv ~- on the north shor ineboom idavs.-- Ox ti 4,00() parcelk o!xacant propertx w îll lxe i)tt on the, imai kttt onte a t ~--~~ lujîîdtîo Irices. ieerpeet-i un )IoId and repossessed portion , of v ariîQus subdivliions, tîed up iin baiks ali ltrusts ýinC t crash. Tii1ese properties arc- scattecd w est . fom CtaJ Prkavenue to idL r6ad I)Ctw(!nC enCý.itral and Church - strut~mn vaîîsitu :aidNiles eitr Al àre improved: with streets., si(iU- * ~valk,%exvr, \vatcr. and pl>blic util- itîe> and are serx-ed blmv t\wo cîtiInev ormi'n thB linue - andl sevvral main h- ncw rcsidcnc for I\dnncth 13 a rt,(ý.attér(,(lon . the fring-e of the - aCttrt;utoJSunstRd faned in~~l wod eCionwi h t ont m romç,four battis and fine messcîîoiscîîut~î-e-~ n<~ >~ ainhd rck. zcod shingled ro file:homs, tv nee;c. Thc hcatel 7,11 c ni's (a anC P 1.P ipft 7( oI11dI-,lJi. ,Is u 0 TIl11S CeNteU,1nSive (operation wlxvii w - c<im<IictedI by the Home I)evclopmnct proertes, with ail improvemlents ini sale, -ar.s cljýi(lui(aîn and paid for-,at prices- that .wili iii- ag q,1ts for' thetantlS- initerest. anvonèe desirous of rnips 1w oman xas receiiti\ gtting a nlewx home, Iiiàa fille ose-ml orLýI.~II/ed bY a ru of ilorth shore- ~ciî of the north shore, at a. price Itu oue ut nmeit e-e-tîvcaiafford." opîeî . his a'.t clsnin eann ~ _______________ - choi-e pruertv.alrstît4t sfmIetaîl reidncsof the l)tter Wolff Reports Building 11J!JIt. rU I t tcorporat1ion ne carr tim inti ç nulmU tJUtttt-lst>t.ib a c alth (if experience. both- iii the otffice during the past \wéek - Iiiesand -tlhe district. Ravp -.1 \lMay 2-leo Battue, .2039 Becchi- 1i>oxdaIll.treasurer, 'CHii ian(lle -the x ood venue. sàgle faiPv brick othur phasecs of cornpany's prograini intiiesidcncu. Architect. L. Gliat- tai(1 the hmsee in to. Builder, Keixuîedvý Construction hi'. end. Nlr. Dowmdall is a director conxpanv3. $10.700. s ai Tact direcor and past president ,May V27-I.\ASeidel,500 Laurel of the Evanston North Shore Real aveli ersdente alterations.IK. W-~tare- board.. Tle bas heen actienià Knobcl, bilder.S1 50. the nortgage and real estate field of - \av 2/-A. F. Stcrrett, 714, Prai- the Iortîls. hore for mnaîy years. *r îeavnu Irlate garage. $800. -Otiier 9fh<crs and directors' of tho CIMape 27--.1 T. Haniey, 827 Chest- -I car garz tool hi 'flower cottage PHONE, ïIfaîtkins.. nozw undcr constructi .on 011 rye, sont/i of, Uillo-to road, Northjield, a tw.o-car ' la1.aye. -xeiriaeil wcith cpe ut' and doici spoiuts. i't'r.,stcnîý ina1-(ncin 'elzoas arrangt'd 5Souith Luaill s&hI, and the architec of the electors voting at a givein election to auithorize the issue of bonds, the paynient of interest and principal on which miay be secured by levving aglain st property. Bu-gin Work on New Home i ne genei co~tOIItL jI UVV awarded to the C. & E. Constructiôni Companyx and it is reportèd that it amouints to about $13,000. 'lhle plunmbing contract has been obtained by Milton Frantz of Deerfield. - ONE PERMIT The onie building permit issuied ini \Vinnetka durinig the past week fasi for a framne addition to the residence1 of Thona s H-. Knorr,. 1202- Cherr y street. Cost of the iniprovemient is rge witn lavatory, aouse, workshop, garden, man's sep arate, etc.. WINNETKA .172. SERVICE. and SALES Distributors of 'Timken Silent Automatic -Equipment - DAY AND NIGHT S~ERVIC-.LLMAKES I-OIL BURNERS - AIR CONDITIONIN 1141 Gre.fleaf Ave., Wihni.tte Phone. 221 Wilmette Sertving the North Shore ,for 15$ Tf 41/2%/oINTÉEST ResidevâtiaI properties, rostrict.d &ai~. Evauston and North Shor.. 5Sor 10Oyear terni, - S.muj-a.puai int.eet paym.sts. njowN - u1ner (discussion and lei asoiainal our group hias form-ved a st.rong build- pavers' associationl, would- provide ing corporationl about which we will for a tax limitation, exclusive of bond have an important announcenwnit- to requirements for debt paynent of 1 make in a f ew days.. per. cent on urban property- and ."Homesit-es .at homneseekers price - seveni-tepthls of 1 per cent on rural is our aim. This we can attain be- property., It further would malce cause . we are 9ffering thlese , fille necessary the appravai of' 60 pet- cent