bureau. While the lecture work to.ok talkîng. liim into 'every corner of the. Unitedl States and Canada, the cheinical re- Hlold Last Rites for scarch Çontinued to grow. Liraduallv Wilmete Residen rodin g put the time availahî ie fortt . letr.M r S. Katherine Wagner, 1700 Bv 1934 the rescarch,,had reâched such \'ashingon avenue, Wilmette, pass- proportions that it, was consolidated ed .awayý Wednesday of làst.week at into the -Naselmo corp oration hihD.ler' ho me, after a. long illness. jolies as managing director, \vnng- ýMrs. Wagner,, a resdient of .the one-fourth of the stock. Hie has nùw i illage for many yýears, was active purchased the, entire business.- plant il! the- Mothers' club of St. -Joseph's and equipment and will continue to op er- church, and in the St. Mary's society. ate it as a proprietorshîp, the corpora- 1-er'husband, Peter. Wagner, pàssed tion ,being.dissolved. The work w~ill conl- away about four monlths ago. tinue unchanged under the samre nian- Funeral services.-were' held on Fni- agenlent, with the laboratonies at 1211 day f rom her, lat e residence to St. WVashington .avenue, \Vilmette. Since Joseph's. church, with burial at St. Dr.. Joties' initiaIs are H I. his Wîilmte onfccmtry Rotary club nickname is "Hi.", and the 1She, is survived by ninie children: prodiicts of the laboratorv arc there- Nirs. Catherine Maher, and Gertrude, fore called "Hizone Prodicts." that! Pter, ohCcla ilarVco, is., Hi's o>wn prod ields Frances, and Leon Wagner, and by Works in3,Fe three brothers, Édward and J6'seph Dr. Jones' re-search work has been i Bell Of Evanston, and William Bell almnost entirely 1in three field,,: of Detroit. 1. Stea types of germicrides foi, miIdtIv tnold ;1nd otpr >ig tioda . InatSno i1 et ami jweservatives. Ifn o fW let 2'Etiitlsionis which ichletNuoCouple Dis in Hospita geýrmieîiaI creamns, sojuble pruis John Hughes O'Connell, 3 years 'olubile ois ai waxes. old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Tesilibth lu for n wt O'Connell, 305 Sixteenth street, Wil- By decreasý,thiiig themsurfacetei"onsý of mette. passed away on Monday at On îa ncrease~ the the Children's moalhpilii Inkterest on DepsitsI Sarnngs Pa sBoolcDpst W. pay %%pranu neeto Savings Deposits -interest payale uly 1 sud january 1. Accounsumay be .utab' lished i one nurne or lu mnore Ïban one nmre payable to eltiier or to the. mmki vor. Savings Pas. Book fora s aan ld.d forai for the. accum ltOf Mrepcular weekly or montbly depouits -"ralny day" funds - or personal cas surplus. highlyin. soIlle ; aildmn tirsr* Ian things stùch as causing "plant sprays* tQ spnead oven the leaf instead of re- maitinig as droplets etc. By reducing the surface tension of ojis these can be made into. penetrating oils. sprilng spray ojîs, hreak-in ous. and the like. By increasing the surface tension equally strange r esults are obtained. such as the stabilization of cçloidal emiulsions, m,~ilk- andltions etc. The addition Mr. and Mrs. I-arry W. Mons. 157 Woodstock avenue, Keniilworthi spent Decoration Day week-end with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and M.\rs. R. J. Wille of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wille are now residingý at 2501 Hàrriet avenue ini Minuie- apolis. 1 DONIT.PAY $145.00 or more for a Singer or White Console ElectrieI S...v.ng Machine when we have them for Time Cert fct«s of Deu W. pay 2% % per annum itereit on Thue Certificates of Deposit wlth matis. ridies of- six montho or longer. W. a"id by the. Federal lReserve Board regula tions in the. payment of iuterest on de- HUMEUR FIDERAL 242.%