1, is to be a Gala Operâtic Concertj the rhni concerts of the second rce Ill ie actuai opcimg of the six-sa'o of the Ravinia Festival, the \\Cck Sy:nphonllc sa O n Friday 19371 season is off to a grand start, \vitb Iuight. jIlvN 2. al sales comnmttees going at fuit tilt, To Sir ErN l aci1llanl faits the aild reservations pouring. ini. huor of directing .thue(hlicago S--vn--i pbýony >orchestra iin 11w first Gala. pno Blues Take Games From grainiof the svînph1 V W saSl l nJ utV 2, and the three renanflîg- concerts Owls and Polar Bears of thé. first %veek. Fcatured on cacli After taking a gaine by 6 to 3 froîn prograni w il he bise. Otuirb)i, Saibthe\îtniette Owis. the .previous Sun- iianist, ml'o xvIl1 (ffer four concerti (tav the Terminal Blues inade it tw * (turing the we.appearing l)oth-after- traighlt h y .defeatino the Haninîond noon and evening 01 onda.Jt . oa ers,- ' to 4. on MIoniday., Knighted by King. George V~ h ai.wsfnivwniitesv Sir lErne(st'.NacMitlalii the oniy resi- enth inning Nvith a two run raly. Thée (lent iiuisician i:ni the 1British Dominions gaine featured ýbut six hits :\ith the ti) have lieeP s) o liPred, was knighited lules gatlierinilg four. and' Potter, xin-*ý bv Kingý George V in 1935. Hé bears ning. pitcher,> holding, the Bears, to two. inîposingly after bis naine the a(t(itionat Box S.core' titivs of Mus. D_ ., L.D.. F.R.C.O. 'TrîiiaiiliBues H amnîond Bearçs ((omtulictorý of the Toronto Synîphony AI R H Ah R H orc-hestra since 1931, he bas. wn 1 MNoIter, Û 4 1 O Dewar, Sb 4 0 1 1-Kulp ss. 4 0 0 Bowan, -e f thsasi cclajîn 'for bis accomnsi igt,:h -O egus- nients i piacing the Toronto orchestra PHirsch, If 4 0 '0 son, 5s. :1 i 0 ini the front rank, Frissell, 1lb, 4 1i 1 ud p 3 0O0 The Gala Operatic concert of t He a1-iIW'Il of 3i i2-Kasper, 1lb 4 O i M~ dRii~~ oore, 2b 30O1i I-inichs, 21)0h ope~iifi1. igt wil biti hal t aviia(r gory, rf 4 î1 0 f1offnie1, vf 0 60 for the niglit ii the persons of Genniaro iotter, 1) 4 0O0O1',. Fe)'gus- Papi,1 Lucrezia Bon., Marlo Clianilee sonl, If 0O anîd Leon Rothier, the glaiour (if the c 1lee golden days of the Raviniia opera main- TO SEE SON GRADUATE taîned for 5(1 long by the late Louis \Ir. and Mirs. Allen M.\ Rossmiai Fý'cksteiI.in * the choice of these four of 1130 Chestnut avenue are ieaviig_ artists for this concert i honor of the mnemory of MIr. Jickstein, the festival aturndayfrGinlIwadw omnrnîttee bas epitomnized att that the ati< the graduation ce remionies at Ravni Oeracopay soo fr. Grinnilcotlege M\onda, at ,Nhichi Rav ria Op rat Atran toifo. time their son, AlIleti, jr., wilt. receive Bôr Grat ttrctinbis degree. He il returnl to WiI- Miss Bori's..naine on the prograun was 1 ,tt, r1Pý-, his narnts Miss dnýn.er A CHIEKEN A STEAK S Sefved Daily 75c TURKEY DINNEt SUNDAYS (No AdV.nce ;in Prcs) infra-red-ray Broiling on tatest type Welsbach Hot-Zoie, THETE RRAC E West Side of Milwaukee Avenue ToMiles North of Wheeling mirers in this region. Assoeatedwith bier in iiivy an opera- tic performanice lias t)een Mario 'Cbamn- Icé, popular tenor of thec Ravinia Opera,. whbosc MIarouif is bing presenited to the Nletroo)litaii Opera public for the frst tinie tiiis spring ,%ith enormous su1ccess. and wvosc returrr to Ravinia wvil tc more than ivelcomed. Leon Rothier. grand(Aod basse, of the French repertoire, represents att the art and finesse of thc French scboot, and a cornnrebiensivc setection of Ravinia MNIr s. Witliam H. Rebfeld, 210 Ninth street, witb bier niiece, Miss MUary Gai- iagher of Chicago, is leaving by niotor TËuesday for New London, N. H-. Her daughter, Jeanne, will be gradtuated f roin Colby Junior college at the coin- nienceielit exercises to be bekt. Juné 15. and they witt retuiruhbomne about lune 20. .Compefe SevenmCourse Every Gleneo 1826 George Turner, Manager Glencoe 1826