and those to whoni the niame, of the sVynonymous -with the, dullest sort of school davs. The four. Engishuien in th'e cast, Howard, Rathbone, Smith, anid Denny, shouki be ,given i medals for.diction alone, since t.heN- are able to make the difficult Poetic language.,of the *play 'as, real and vividi as modern American conversation., Without any attenîptý to .follow' the theatrica' tradi- * ton, the produccrs. haive given the public 'thc simple, trâgic' stor,' of the star7crosse(l lovers. Swing High, Swing Low. Para- mloiît p.icture, Ydîrected by Mitchell Leisen. With Caroýle Lombard,, Fred ac Murra-. Charles Butterivorth', and Dorohv amor. Valencia thieatr, * june 6,7. This imusical romnance is iell cast, ,vwell directed. and \vell acted. There is delighittnl nmusic. and somne of the scelles of the locks at the Panamna * canal arec well wvorth seeing. Carole Lombard. wvhose rise tmward stardom in the past few yvears has been, in movie language, "terrific," (lorninates everv' scelle she's in. She's. comnic, heart-broken, drab, and beauti-L filI b turns and aIl at once. and es- tablishies herself as \vell' as. MacMur- ray in. the front ranks of acting. Leroy, w ith Joanl Blondeli, Fernand Gravet. Edward Everett Hortoni, Alani Mowbrav. Mary Nash, and Kentiv Baker. Varsity theater, June 4 and 5. Teatro del Lago, Junie 4, 5. This- rom'anitic comedy shovs thc rehabilitation 'of the ex-king, drink- ing himnself oujt of bisboredomi, by ail Americani chorus girl. It is excep- ti iially ivell acted anid well directed and is highly recommended for :t.s gaietv, sparkle, anid charm. SOPRN associatcd wzi th the Civic Opera company, and has appe'ared, fre- quteitli, on. both NBC a'nd CBS siet- 7vorks, as wcll as in several musical co>nedy prndictio>,s. The Summier Revue also features the Monte Carlo Singers and Dancers, Pauil Meeker's Villa Moderne orchestra, and vocalist John Byani. ' T L W om an 1 Love, R O- a i ~picture, directed by Anatole Litvak, and starring Miriam Hopkins, Paul Muni, and Louis Hayward. Varsity theater, -june 9, 10. Teatro -del Lago, june 9, 10. This drama of- the World -war," with its tragic "eternal triangle" meas- tires up to the' former achievements of the gift d memUers of the cast. The dietrs work bas heen compli- mnented, highly. Gail Patrick Ha*s"New. Knockout Gr in Film Gail Patrick has a. knockout eve-: ning gw for "Artists and Models." her new' filmn. It is pink satin, draped in a stlrplice- t retment across the bodice and heéld at one shoulder bv a largeý diamtond ,clip with a "'twin" clip placed at the base of' the back decolletage. The skirt is given two deep bcdets at the sie fronts but is smooth across the back, 'introducing a new type of fullnless. Edith Head originated the goýwn. GETS ROLES Muriel Hutchison, 'talented youlng English actress currentlv on B3road- way in "The Amazing Doctor Clit- terhouse," ini which she plays oppo- site Cedric Hardwicke, bas been ,signed for two pictures. whîch "man is produc in1g Anclre Kosteian-etz, noted orchestra leader, will direct an orchestra for an elaborate specialty, ipi Paramount's. current Jack enystarring picture. 'Artists and Model s." Gladys Swarthout and John Boles will be co-starred ini an elaborate production of "Madame Butterfly" as Ohonea Umt. -Winnetla890 Thursdayr, June,3 "4AS YOU LIKE IT"'9 -Shakespeare's Imfmortal Comedly With LaureniceOivÏier.,and Heury Ainley and featuring Leon Quar- termaine, world's, foremost reader of Shakesp>earean roiles. Feature Starta 7 :40, 10 :00 Fri., Sat., June 4-5 "The KIm Au Thé Chovus Ori! 0&' IodeI-fernand. ravet Sun., Mon.,.Tues., June f-7-8 Jean, Arthur-Charles Boyer Wed., Thurs., Jule. 9-10' ""TUE-WOM«AN I LOVE" Fr1., Sat., June 11-12 ..14Sevonth Heaveta" JJtftdheft. MATINEE DAILY Deors Open Mon. I!Ja ri. lis@ P.m. s Ba., SUR., lotb@ y.M. loi ÉftM Mon.. flhru Sot. Popular P. MARCH * MULE OMENON N. MARUHAI.L COTLAND YARD J GIRl- FROM ICANEN NOWLIY .~OSEWV DALDWIN Wafl Rogers Fr!., Sat., June 11-12 "NGE6K T * BARGAUN 1 Con. tral , Ave, WiL 3m