REASONABLE MARY -ALAN HOKANSON ~rag ýMERRELL . STRING, TRIO. KATE Alice Merrel. Doris 'Briggs, 1Heleni Wlnstrom., Wedding music & incidental musie for teas, etc. Reas. Cali Wilmette 3336. 5LTN1-.4tp Rkeception and Wedding Music TRE AKELY TRIO Frances, Viàlin; Blythe; cello.; Ernau, piano. -Willette 1648. 5LTN2-4tp HEADQUARTERS AWNINGS, CANOPIES, VENETIAN Bllnds and Wlndow r'Shdes- 59"c.up. Theý Sun Shade Company 8-10 Caritôýn Court Winnetka 1171 .5A-LTN3-4tp BUILDINd AND REPiRÂ* MASON CONTRACTOR Flagstone Bouiders BRICK ANI CEIUNT WORKý TUCK POINTING H. HART WELL WINNETKA 2864 15A-LTN49-tfe JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterproofing Basernents 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 1 5A-LTN1-4tp WJILLIAM R. WILSON Carpenter and repairs. Additions, AI- terations. Porches, screens, garages, overhead doors, brick, stone, and cernent work. Ph. Kenil. 5511. 15.A-LTN3-4tp PAINT SPRAVIlNG WICKER FURNITURE AND) REPRIG- erators our speclalty. We use lacquer' that dries in 30 minutes. Can be done in yoiir home. Wlnnetka 3185.. 16L4-1tp) PLASTERING, REPAIR WORK AND CONTRACTING. FREE ESTIMATES. EDWIN B. KIEFER 453 JEFFERSON, GLENCOE .117 16LTN52-26p, E L E C T R I C WELDING, BOILER weldlng, automobile machine shop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROTHERS PHONE KENILWORTH 280-820 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING-Ml. BOLAND WHEN IN NEEI) 0F GOWNS, COATS, da.ytime and evening; or outinoded ones restyled. Cali Wil. 855. Satisfaction guaranteed. .22LTN2-4tp DIRESSMIAKING, REMODELING, ALSO drapes and curtains, reasonable, vour. home, or mine. Furnish machine. Phone Greerileaf .2629. 22LTN4-Ilp GARDENING COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE.B DAY OR CONTRACT.,BEST REF- ERENCES. REASONABLE PRICES. FREE ESTIMATES. EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, AND FERTILIZER.. WIN- NETKA 3858. 27LTN47-tfe LAWN, AND GARD]£N MATERIALS.. RICH.1 BLACK SOIL FOR top dressing. or flower garden, '$2.00 per yard; cow and. compost inanure, $ .0per yard; sod 5c sq. foot in 300-ft. lots. Rubbish remo.val and general truck- ing. E. Haglund, 849 Elm) St., Winn. 2108. 27LT'IN4-Ilp BLACK SOIL CU. YDS., $6; 5 CU. Y] G. Anderson; 435 -Ridge Rd., 452. 3-9tn LAUN DRY WE DO WET WASH: ROUGH DRY. A special price on fan.ily wash. We cail for and deliver. Phone Wllmette. 3687 34LT.N3-4tip MASSAGE SWEDISH 1MASSAGE AND REDUCING Winnetka Health Institute 522 Center St. Winnetka 2266 38LTN3-4tp PAINTINRG AND DECORATING Paint, Bfaper, 5Rms-, $40 Up) fraitas andi canvasing. wvork. Rziin. %wal inaper cieaned, ; 1bthlroolm eln- aineled, $6 up; kîte-hen. paînteil, $7 up. 5 r11s- flirs. wh varnishedi, $10. Out- ýside pntg_, ce. $15. Windows, 75c. Stucco finish done reas. Refs. Freue et Matl Ifurn. 42LTN4-ltp CEIC. CA, so r .$2 UP UELED, $6 UP; $7 Up; 5 floors led, $10; rooms side Painting rea- nen.ded. VACATIONS Enjoy your vacation> without wo rry about your house, garden or property. Those littie things yout meantto do *. and- didn't; L. H. KOSU 33 Years on 1913 Church St. the North Shore,ý Est. 1906 Uni. 0277 1 9A-LTN4-Itip ÇLOCK REPAMMING CLOCKS EXP'ERT, CHIME, HALL,, antique dlock repairlng. Learned'trade ln, Etirope. (Formerly .with Tlffany and IBIlI8olph one Gradeland 29846., 2OTNZ-12t.p 23.2.3 Lake Aven~ue, Phone, Wimette 561 42LTNI-4tp 33A-LTN3-ltc PAINTING AND DECORATING. 1ST clasa work. Reasonable prices. Free. LANDS APINGestiniates. Call Mr. 'Patterson. Winn. 3017 Established 22 yrs. on t4ie North -Shore___________________ Wm. J. Bucher> & Sons PIANO TUNINQ 'Maintenance Work a Speialty EXPERT PIANO TUNING, 13. R3 Expert Lawn Work. Pair woÏk guaranteed. 22 years tac- Soi-Plants-Fertilizer-Driyeways tory experlence. ]Ri C. Thomaz, 206 06ol. 556, Provident Wnnetka 3612 umia ýAve. Park Bldge 1477. 33A-LTN2-4tp ,45LTN2..4tp WWIAFLOR KENNELS Breeders .excluslveiy of . bgh-grade cocker spaniels. Grown dogs and pup-. pies. Dundee Road, 2% mi. W . of Wau- kegan Rd. > 44LTN'2-4tp FOR SALE: PAIR 0F Cockertail .Biris: Phone Lake Forest 402 44LTN4-ltp. weeding the gardetîî,, general clea.ning every- where -al can be done by experts while>yQu are-away. On this pageý we offer a direetory 'of dependable hom-'e services which, can help mnake your- vacat ion care- and worry-f ree., - F C. A. LINDSTROM0]-1WIL. 1723 Resurfacing and Reflishlng 51LTNZ1-4tp The Village Wood Shop .01p. Wilniette Postoffice Wilmette 3484 Custorn-built f urniture. Reproduction and, restoration' of antiques. Expert furniture repairing. and refinishing. Caning, rush- ing. 58LTN4-4tp. $si--EXPERT, ADJUSTING, ALL. makes. Foot or elec. Repairing- cleanirng--overhauliflg. Work guaranteed. Millen Hardware. Wilmette 3060. 5.3LTN2-4tp LOSt AND FOUND LOST. MAN'S WALLET1 Rieward. Phone W~inînetka 29~97. 3LTN4-1tp1 Pound:, 4 KEYS (UN RING AT OAKWOOD AND TENTH4. ow.ner eal, at office of .Wilmetke bife. LOST: VIOLIN IN CASE - at 5th andLienFrdy Reward. 516 Fifth St., Wilmette WKilmnette 4586. 3LTN4-ltcý LOST: WR-ARDT. ER R I 1E il, maie, naine -Skipper.- Black and white. ~intalicenste 82.5. 1liont2 Win- w-tka 1313. Reward. :LN-t LOS17: BICYCLE, B1,U E, APOLLO make, serial N~o. 55 418 3. Reward. Phone Winnetka. 1452. 3"LTN4 -1ite RECREATION SCHOOLU BEACH AND CREATIVE DRA-MATICS asPs for girls between the ages of ing -Jule 21. .P4one Willnette 2-541 or WVilrnette 2672. 01TNlt INSTRUCTION_____ lis your child a poor reader? Is he slowN and ina.curate in handling numnbers? Is thiere a notable gal bétweefn native ability and school achievemeiit? [il sUve cases you rnigfit Weill onsider the advisability of individual instruc- tion outside school hours under au expert~ rernedié.l teachter. No charge. for consultat ion.