Rates 1 cnt allne Advertise to the lune. No black face type iud a p e rua. 'e worda ý4 Davis St. Davis 7777 uiuu.u nen rouht to our office at 1232 Central, Ave,,Wlete 1 UnTcol» Ae.,Wlnnetka, or 841 Parkç Ave., Glencoe. 1-% dicoutton ; lWTEGIV advrtseens unfor cnscuiv Isus.FREE AUTO -SERVICE. FOR HELP Deadline for Insertios.ý.Clasîied advertlzemente wîll bte ac- OVER 100 POSITIONS cepted, upý to Tuesds.y 9 P. K- for Want cooks'; general;, second,' waltress, WTLMETTE LIFE or ail three paPers; Wednesday 9 P. 3L, for WIN~EK nurse. $15-$18. Couples $125-$1150. TALKC and Thursday 5 P. X. for GLEËNCOE NEWS, TeleoesImte Butler4iousemen $75 Ùitî 4300, Winnetka 2000' (Wlnnetka '500 after 6 P. Mu), Greenleaf 4300 or SHORLINE.,EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Sheldrake 1216-1211w 746 Elm Street Winnetka 71LTN4-Ite PETS*SPECIAL LOW FEES SIT 9TUATION WANTED-FIKMALE FOR MAIDS AND COUPLES UH IF~NH 'l' NICNNI. iFF'lfi EtA 1 N E D NURS COMPANION GODWAE ('uek ilw)lIi 1; Swteek V I yegr, lt'ued, offers'efficient kindly .Lindgren EmpL. Agenc ['a'Vluyid pll. weks î~d. grwn serice Velderly -,lady;.experienceciEtblhd2 er Irish anid. li .tesai ~ttraveler, can take responsibility. Write 79 ElmSt Wlnn. 1047Yea ùun'* ) tlt-rs Uu nuilomis 1>tiho--2<i, lBox 6 , ilnette, Illinois. 79EmS.Wn.14 tit'n. \\'t- Isip huy andxaI ti71 TN5-t. IPluo'kin'_ ;andl <ipîuinxîg îlu. îi,.1> .Xperts. . 6ST4lt7LN5-c k u a i S >p1ssn, Nil'-s (.ixter J.l> 441JTN4-ltp <<CRMP.WOMAN -BLANET CLEAN- SALESWOMEN ___________________ ING. WASH LN S'SERVE W"ARE IN . IEDIATE NED0 7 ~~~~DINNERS. CARE FOR CHILDREN inbro dpal aepol SUbMMER CAMPiS EVE.S.*AND SUNDAYS. BEST RE fo art xnie r f adatabe aepeler THE GiNGERBRZEAD flOUSE <dli rnornings or eves, Winnetka 11 1. or pý,at timeswor i tep prel yard F.X.CLUSIV),E CAMP FORl CRlJflEN. LTp sonnel Offi, 3dfloor. 5-11 years on Lake Mitchell, Cadillac, COLORED Mý,IDDLE::.GED WOMAN 1~e~1-s-~aso MiMidgan. July 1-Aug. 12. $15 week,, wants housework and cooking. No W e)01 $90 geason. Catalog sent on request. washing. Reas. wages Caîl before 71 LTN4 1 te Miss Grace Ryerson, 220 Charle Ave., noony daily excePt Sunday, Greenleaf .Grand Rapids, Michigan. G4GS 1t1 HT AL 0 -.N Sýi; 56A-LT1-4tpSomne expenience necessary. Modern ___________________________AN EXPERIENCED WOMAýN WANTS pew honw with 2 aduits, boy of 6, baby WANTED TO SUY-.USED CLOTHINQ cleaning, iaundry, cooking, serving and nurset girl. Should know anld like by the day. children. Pay $12. Work le moderate, 01,IO) CLOTHES $$ Phone Wilinette 3233. inclifdes sinall laundry. We prefer somne-1 We needA 500 suits this week. W'ill pay 6SL-1ti) (,ne lookîng for good permanent home biest prices. 'Wil! call, or bring. them to î1ýxpe.rîenced Whilte Woxnan Want.s and job. Ph4me Kenilworthi 5552. Mar~ti~ns ltingStore Cleaùiiiçg bv-th, a . . .. . 71LTN4-Iltp die he arveousBudweiser Electrie Vaporizer. and conicentrate d Insect Spray'. Exterminates files and other insects 100% automatically without harîning anrythlin g used by humans. Selis to, hotels, restaurants,- food .stores, dairies, indust rial plants, property man- agers, and l)ivate homes. Large earn- ings, big repeats. 'Active nmen cail per.- sonally. BUDWEISER LABORATORIES' 1401 W. North Ave. Chicago 72LTPN4-lte Salý1esmnen WVE ARE IN IMMEDIATE NEED 0F part« timè salesmen ln men's turnjsh- :iigs, shoes, rugs. and furniture . depts. Aply3 Personnel Office, .3rd..floor.. \Viebolclis-Ev,%ais.ton HELP WTD.-MALm AND FEMALE' WHEITE COUPLE FOR FAINILY 0F 3. .Nu,,t have ()nme exp. ancl reterences. WiliIpay ü to I0 Iv depencing Ulponi your ability and exp. WVil. 19419. 73LTN4-ltc USED CAR BARGAINs BUAND NEW CARS LATEST -MODELS AT A BIG SAVING Gral ani Model 116i, supercharger deluxe fordor tounîng, W. Wall tires & heater, save $250. 3 brand new Fords 112" Stake truck model 6U, 11'2" Panel truck model 85à I)eluxe 5-passenger coupe nmodel 85 il At a . i.L Von LN(; TERIM SA\VIN(GS AND $5(iIlAI'. Save as littie as $1.1o) a Morihti>r învest multibles of $0.0 Earxîixgs paid in cash or compouinded 5cmi a xnaly.Investigate now. FlRl' EDEALSAV,ýING-S & LOAN .\(-)F 'WIA11,N0F XVILET T F 11ê;t'etra A~nue Wilrnette 1623. 64LT'N2--itc SALES OPPORTUNITIES 2or 3 well MEN OR' ti, îimote the sa F)ecorative Yý at highly FAri SITUATION WANTED-MAILE WHITE CHAUFFEUR, ETC., VERY 1best ni. s. refèrences. 9 -years last place. Married. Phone Lake View 7673' or wvrite B171, Box .60, WViJrnsette, 111. 69LTýN4-2tp GARDENER WILL CARE. FORLA . by the' week or season anid do odd jobs. (.ood rlef. Ph. University S915. 69LTNI-Itip W INDQ'W WASHING, HOUSECLEAN- ing, lawn work, any odd jobs. N. S. references. Phone Wilniette .2088, 818 Elm Street Wlnnetkà 3828 7 1LTN5 2-ttc for- upstairs work and heip with chul- dren. Able to do plain cooking and sw ing. '.Mlust have good references. M'rite 13-148, Box 60, WletII 71LT'IN4-Itp WRHITEWON FOR GEN. HSWVK. Daily froni 10 A.M. tili after dinner.> Starting June 10. Near transportation. N;o washing. Cal Wilimett.e 4375. 711LTN4-ltlp General. housework mnaid over 25. antee -with servie.. Your'old ca-r ac- cepted as part of down paym ent. Open evenings, closed Sundays., WHOLESALE NEW AND USED CAR MARKET. Where everythlng le sold at wholesale prîces., 840 S. Genesee St., Waukegan. 77LTN4-ltp Specials This Week '33 Chevrolet roadster, very clean,, new tires an.d top............. 26.5 8LN-tP Flor Getieral Housework. 71LTN4-l1426 W-ANTE D-WORK 3Y THE DA. Small family. Wilmette 4*385. 7LN-t Nursngcookngservngcleaing71LTN4-ltj) WANTED G (IRL FOR GNRLOF- Nursngcoowig, eerngladnlflgFICE WORK, 'SOME KNOWI FEDOC laundry or pli eii.Sna4nnr COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANT- 0F BOKEPIO N TPIC andtea a pec.alY. estret. Wll ed wlth good ref. Âpply ln person. NECESSARY. WRITE, A-3, 13OX 60, go anywhere. Glencoe 1411. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NVILMETTE, ILL. 71LTN4..ltli 681LTN3-4tp, 663,Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 HIGH SCHOL. GRL WI S E S71LTN14-.tfc in typing, WHITE,1GIRL FOR GENERAI Girl for genieral housework. Ref. Family office wýork. xpnecdH SE of, three. Ph. Wilmette. 4161. csiin.and )ookkéeePng. Write A-1, work. .3-ln famnily. References. Phonie box60 ~ilneteIllfliS 68TN4-ltl) Wilmette 2234,ILN-ic71LTN-t i-,,uge uoo n ra. goo.ju. . . bà 1932 Plymnouth ................. 225 VIC HILL 421 Green Bay Road MW-lmette. 744-745 77A-LTN4-lte PACKARD).ý1931 TONNÈEU.iN STO1-. age 3 years. Musgt-seil. Real bargallh. Ph. Uni. 9300. - 77A-LTN441tcý