_______________________j graduates tnis montn rrom New ITrier, andl Sue frôni the Joseph Sears school. When You BUY 'COAL Dont tfake chances with poor fue - -- ORDERI'URTESTED COAL L@mwg burumlmg. sl'eady fireand lias veiry liNfle ask Wle sugget that you place your order toith as now. for our tested coal, or coke*-.and 3yof will save money Sseu aiutosiatic coke stoker WI.Lh4,ETT,,E COAL & MATERIAL YARD 1301 Lake Ave. WIImette 4200 Carlos Photo Painting by, Mrs. R. V. Jones, 1344 Forcst avenue, Evanston, foripierly of lfWiinnetka, compose the e.rhibit at the Art cei ter 1.il the Evaîiston Public library for the citrrent mo>tth. The pic tures, large- ly landscapes. WInc twiù ' hich artîst reccenly conpleted- in Taos. With current estimates showing littie change froin the receipts and expenditures from the last fiscal vear, a. tentative budget totalling, approxi- mately $80,000 waslintroduced Moli- day ëeeing at the June meeting oi the- Kenilworth..village board. The- budget was introduced by vil- lage Manager C. M.. Osborn. Trustût! Chase . Love, finance chairman, pre- sided in.the'absence of Village.Presi- dent, Harry Harrison. Tirustee Love, .who had previously announced that the fiscal year had endedlast April with the budget vir- ltirally balanced, andj that every de- partment had, been able to keep with- in its.,appropriationl, declared that a similar- situation was contemplated. at the end of the new 'fiscal period,. al- though he added that the collection of -delinquent taxes wôuld be nec es - sary to make the accounits conxe out even. 1Parking Problum Although the question of parking at the corner* of Green Bay road and Park drive bas been up for considera- tion before the board for some time. definite action was again delayed! pending the drawing of final plans bv the police conimittee, of which Trti'- tee Porter Fox is chairman. Both th, use of vacant property and the ti>e of the nresent iMgnds n the mid,,M.. - teIc 1w wflCi orrnafs.angle park- Chicago Art Institute's Chicago and ing on a state highway. East' and- vicinity exhibit. Mrs. Jones is also a west lailes on Park drive are too nar- nmenber of the North Shore Art league row to permit angle parking, and, as and was awarded a prize ini the leagUe s a further step ini the solution of thc recent spring show. co ngestion problem, it was announced that signs limiting parking to one. Civic Organizations hour would soon be erected. ns Traffic Steady Plan to Send Youth Lt was revealed, too, that the state ~ ~,,.highway départmenit is spending and all othc r autlioriged Christiar purchated me the Reading Rooir 10% P4»ISC IM CfDIALLY DITITD TO ATTmMND TBS CEEu.. maiVWuSA» I TIlITU TEs ISino ROOI Bryson, 1824 Myrtie street, Indian Hill. Other organizations have indicated Jack Holden, son of Mr. and Mrs. that thçy will also send a high school S. S. Holden, 527 Warwick road, s student. Kenilworth, is returning home frorn Boys will leave on-&muday, June 20, the University of Michigan Saturday on a spfcial train froni the Union witb three friends, Carl 1Franke, Rich- station, Chicago, over the Alton lime, ard Irwin, and "Biim".Campbell, ail of' and return the followi ng Saturday Springfield. They, will be theý guests afternoon. of the Holdens over the week-end. The BileIo md W.*.. o I.... Liermn m1