Tailoïred Like $25 Suifs. Our Low Price for This Quality Is, a Bit of ýMagic-It's, OnIy EXTRA TROU SERS S5 We believe a summer suit should be obviously smart, serviceable,, and most important of al- COOL!1 Today men want a bot wesither suit that needs no latrndering or presuing eaoh tixne it'8 worn. So wi tu hi nmmnd, w. dovelopedour Wizmrd Weav, Suite tlit stand days of wiltiiig heat-and cooe througb Iooking fresh as the. day you put, thom on!1 Ligiit-as-a-feather suite that wiII flot wrinkl. ,asily, made of 10090 pure iniported worsted yarns.that actually shed dirt, and, believe it or pot, won't rip! JBrown, blue,- gray and tan. JUNE F, 1937