worti by Miss H daughiter of 'Mrs. Toledo, -w%ho was Plaek of. - -- - - --- .. --' V j uu nesday noon at the home of lier u ncle andl aunt.NIr. -uiI(1 Mrs. A E. Bieirnes, 927 Rýania roa(l. to .DavidXXiston Lonông, s .onof:i\tr. and M3Irs. David Ji'* Long of1621 Lunt avenue, Chiécago. Her old-fa-s-h-i-ntround bouquet was of cortiflowers, and ,in ber hiair ,was a small wreath of daisies, huies ~f he ally, and sweetheart roses. The Rev. James Ti' Venekiasen per-. formîing the ceremny, hebrd m bridegroom repeated their vows bc.- fore the firepla.ce of0 the Beirnes' residence wvhic.h was siniply decoratedý in white flowers. 'Following the cere- tnony a wedding. breakfast. Was se rved.1 ýMiss Julia Kelly of Chlicago served, as the maid of honor, wearing a gown o ,f blue chiffon> and carrying fiowers of blue and 'vhite. Kenneth Lonig wa his brothéi's best mani. The soloist for the wedding ýwas Frances EVans of Winnetka,, forinerly of Wilmiette, -and accompanying lier was the,.Akelv trio. Mrs.* Black, the bride's mnother, carne ,on; from Toledo to be a guest at the wedding and accompanying her was the bride's sister, Mrs. R. 0. Bittick of Toledo. IMr. and. Mrs. Long are planning a wvedding trp irn the north and will re - side on Lunt'avenue in Chicago. To Give Sunday Musicale at North Shore Golf Club, Thjs Suriday the Annabel Robbins String ensemble will give a musicale at the North Shore Golf club, from 5 in the afternoon until 8 at night. During thi's period both lighit opera and popular music will be pl'ayed for nimxber s of the club and their guests. Starting Saturday evcn.ing. ljune 5, nless .meetin by a social urged to at interested ai present For D.. A. Here YOUll find shoes, oxfords and sandaIý, expertly, desiqned to aid children's foot heolth durinq busy summer play days at home or in camp. Quality leathers thôt are sturdy yet.flexible. Styles fot boy% and 'irls. Brinq the children in today. Pi £7 i R.Commfee Mrs. Charles W. Moody, 700 For- est avenue,. chairman of the prograin conmittee> of Fort Dearborn chapter, Dughtèrs of the .Americani Revolu- tion, had a meeting of ber committee af her.home in Wilmet .te Wednesday, entertainingz the grouP :at luncheon. The members of the committee. are, all Evanstonians w'ith .the' excep tion of the chairman and Mrs. Sherman B. Orwig, both of whom, live in WiI- mlette. A Fine Seleotion- of Chidren'. Summer Sock-3 and 4 Pairs $1 POýDL ý PIPEIŽý 1608 Chicago Ave., vanston Ulni. 0973 Mrs . George Brewster, thie former Miss Edna Lewis, arrived 'in., Wil- Mette Sunday and wilI spend'a, month with hier sister,'Mrs. *E. J. Clampitt. 908,Central avenue.ý a