garden party' and old-fashioned ice-creaml social sponsored by the Anderson gtiild of thc Church of the Holy Comforter. Tickets -may be purchased tliat evening, at the,ý party or, may be obtained in, advance from a ny member of the guild of the church. "In case of rain or bad weather the aff air is to be postponed to the fol- lowing evening. Ice cream and cake Will be. served and there will be booths where home- made candy, popcorn, and "hot dogs" ýwill be .for sale. 'the, entertainment committee has- arranged a big concession also, and those who wish to join a game may do so by purchasing an, addi- tional ticket. A prize will-be awarded. for the, bridge party, to be held in the recreation roomi. A hand-writing expert is to be present and wjil ana- lyze hand-writiný for any who are int.erested. Mrs. Walter C. Doering, the chair- man of the guild, is, in charge of the arrangements for the party. Assist- ing on her committee are: Mrs. Alex Joslin, Mrs. George Salisbury, MNrs. M. B. Salisbury, Mrs. Warren S. Hl- lis, Mrs. W. 0. Beit, and Mrs. Fredc E. Harwood o-f Evanston.. Pastpatrons were escorted and intro- duced. There was. a s plendd attend-, ance of met-ntýeis irom adjacentchap- ters. Miss Dorothy was escorted by her father, Augtis t J, Kuelzow;. who was her patron in 1934. They passed under and arch of Pink peonies formed -by her officers. Miss Kuelzow. was in- troduced andexpressed her apprecia- t, i, with a ppropýriate and pleasing remarks, after .which she took ber place in aý receivingln an .d our members and friends extended their- congratulations. After: this lovely ecpionPetit- alpha chapter officers took part in the regular meeting: Mrs. Dorothy Whit- church as tuatron; Arnold Svebilius, paiton Mrs. Hazel Svebilius, as soci- ate matron; Philip Eichling, associ- ate patron; Mrs. KIatherine Patrrisli, secretary; Mrs. Mary Mathieson, treasurer; Mrs. Hallie B. Smoot, our conductress, as corxluctress; Mrs. Laura Cullison. associate conductress;* Mrs. Maude Reading, chaplain; Mrsý. PearlifHnppenibaur, as marshal; Mrs. Dorathea Wert, as organist; Mrs. Alice W1Illiarns. as Adah; Mrs. Eva Anderson, as Ruth; Mrs. MNildrei iÀndlev., as rEsther; Mrs. Elsie Oisoni, oiJ mr. in VLLAAAV . ..ueizow littedi a goodly. sum flor our chapter.. 1Mrs. Lois B. Dick, chairman,- an- nounceci that the Country Fair will, be held at the Masonic temple on Oc- tober 15, ail day. Dinner wllbe' served at 6 o'clock. M&rs. Smoot re- ported .that our members who have been il are recuperating satisfactorily., ,Mrs.M4artha Keel is in the Lake View hospital. Mrs. -Maude Burgess and'family are movinig to Californiia in July. ýMrs. Elsa jogi, 212 Catalpa. place: hostess toý the sewing groupon Thursday, June 17. After the, meeting, Mrs. Evangie, Lee Morgan- gave a pleasing skit en- titled "Impre ssions of America by ail Eniglish- Visitor." Then aIl adjourned' to the dining room. Mrs. Kuelztow had charge of the beautiful table. dec- orations and Mrs. Marjorie Mcllrathi ofithe 4eliciouref reslwieits.-M.W.L. Mrs. Henry G. Prosser and Mrs., Ella Hoscb, 803 Lake, avenue, are ex- pected home f rom Cbambersburg, Pa.,'next weék, and are bringing with themn Mrs. Prosser's d augh t er, Jeanne, who is a student at Penn hal. 100 'i J u torl;ng c' a 1