Boardi to End Vear at Meeting Monday On, Monday, June - 14 the board of the Coniference of Jew-ý ish Women's Organiîzations xiii hold i ts final.meeting,. Itwill be. heId asý usual on the twenty-sec- ond floor,, Medical and Dental Arts building, -185 N. Wabash avenue, -Chicago, at 10 o'clock,. The. Conference has increased to the extentý of now> having delegates from n e -hundred allied organiza- tions throughout the city and h as çx- tended its scope of work so that it has represeitation >in every phase. of' religious, educatioinal,, and civic lIife., The conference is repre 1sented in al Social agenicies like' the Round l'able Conference of Jews and Christians; ihaî wosicsd to f urther the city manager plan; it is active on the Citizen's Schools comniitte-iin fact ht is vita'lly interested ini, al'projects along the huies of social service, re- ligion, cultural education, civic irn- provement, city, state, and national législation. The other aimns of the con ference are to consider ail new work report- ed by any constitutent organization and to present the work of sucli or- gànizati<rns as <tesi~re -iPrai-in programs and aiso to coordinate sucti work as may be duplicated in rnany organ izatioris. The conference fis a distinct niche ini the Jewish club ife of Chicago-it embraces work- in every field. The following list of committees indicates its scope of work. The ofi- cens for the coming year are. Mrs. Hlarry L. Canniann of High- land Park, president; Mrs. 'Sidney 'Kiein, first vice-president; Mrs. Leon Meet at Blackstone The Women of the -Rotary Club of Chicago will hohi their June metet- ing in the' MarbIe room of the Blackstone, hotel Wednesday, June, 16, having luncheon at 12 o'clock. Mrs., Alice Sheldon Clock, well k nown speaker,. will give a. book review a'nd talk on current. events, ait11, o'cldck,,,the luncheon.. Following a prograrn of songs by Miss Carolyn EucilI, there will b.e a' card" party for- members and their guests.. Mrs. Emil W... Ritter of, Chicago* is' the neW.president of, this organization. Arnong the north, shore womnen Who will be In, office and on ýcommitt ees this ye;irý are Mrs.' Carence Cahili of Winnetka, vice"pregident; NIÉS.5W. E.. Hausheer of > Evanston, memrber of* the board of directors; Mrs. Walter W. Steiner of Evanston, chairman of the bQ1ase. cQnmttec, and in, charge of membership and publicity for the north shore-; Mrs. Leo D. McShane of Winnetka, co-chairman of ' the house comniittee; Mrs: Frank D. Fulton and Mrs. James P. Haynes, both of Winnetka, niembers of'~ the advisory committee. Mrs. Walter W. Stetiner has bee n appointed chairman of the north shore group, and wilI be assisted by Mrs. A. H. Foxcroft, of \1Wilme.tte as co-chairinan. Mr. andt Mrs. Glenn 0. Sensiba, 737 Cummings avenue, Kenil'worth, had as thcir guests hast week-end Mr. and Mrs. William Cauldwell, of St. Pai, Minn. Is Engoged Toloif Photo Mr,ç. 1). Jlïg Grasett of Wl>t- netka, grand presidenit of Kappa Alpha Tse ta, zvill assist the presi- dent of Tait association in greeting, gquests assembig for this lucheonl observing the filtictis aniiz-ersaryý of t/he foztndling of Tau chapter Friday, Junc 11, at .12?:30 o'clock in tise ballroon of the Orrington hotel.. "L-a'nd's End" to Live Again at Church Luncheon The Wornan's society of the Presbyteri an c'hurch 'will hold its annual lunch eon at Shawnee Country club on Friday, June 11. Following a .%ell-planiied lunch - Becomes Bride of S'ames Rogers Joyce. An eilornveil ôf tulle with orange 1losson!s *was wqrn by Miss Nan, Mýarieé Ha'vden with her. dress of white, taffetafo ber Marriage t .o James Rogers Joyce, Son of M. n Mrs. Pat- rick J., JoYce of 423 Tenth, street, W'imete lstSatturdlay,.i'florn- ing. Her flowers were whlte roses and liles of the valley. Attending 'the. bride -as rnaid of honor. was Miss ,Ruthý Mary' Cardy of Glencoe, who was gowned iii. pale. green taffè*ta ýwith a, yellow h at an.d. .yel low acciessoies,. and Who carricd, yellow roses. M4rs. Anna Hayden. of Lake Forest wore.,a dress. of black, for her, daugh-. ter's w.edding and Mrs. Joyce was ini dark blue. Both wore corsages of talisman roses and hats to match their dresses. Don Cardy of Glencoe served the bridegroom as best man, and George Browning of Wilmette and Roy Renneckar of Winnetka, were ushers. Whit'e peonies and - White stock decorated St. Gertrude's church in Chicago for the ceremnony. performed at 10:30 o'clock in the nlorning and followed by a breakfast at the FEdge- water Beach hôtel. Later in the af- ternoon a reception m'as held at the home of the 'bridegroozn's parents who had' given the brida] dinner in their home in.Wilmette the evening préceding the wedding. Mr- Joyce has taken his bride on a, two weeks' motor trip, f rom which they will returin to live ini Lake Bluffý. Shàewn ee Locale for N. U. Class Reunion 1 The- twentieth reunion of1 Lji LLLUII iNGOds, N. . . JuIY 5 to 9, 'Pulman c of va inclusive, where several hundred noted reccntly by her Catholic wonien leaders fnorn aIl parts Wîlliani Harvel of North America will take part ini oYItise zedding. the great.:Conclave of wbat is said tu Har-vey's gram be the -Iargest Catholic ' 'women's Mfrs.' Williami organization in, tht world. Wiinneika. are nts, Mr, and tvid. Me-Junkin of itslf ino smetin itishoped wil be profitable amusement 'for every- Mr. and Mns. Cedric H. Smith of one-E. H. 205 Essex road, Kenilworth, are 'giv- ing.a tea in their home Sunday after-' noon for a group of members o; this, month's 'graduating class at New Miss Dorothy Reinwal, 1630 jE- Trier High school., Burton ,Sffith is Wood ' avenue,' visited friends in Bon- çxpected horne' from, Lawrenceville duel, Wis., last week-end., school about June 20.